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  1. ---
  2. external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml
  3. Module Name: ntfssecurity
  4. online version:
  5. schema: 2.0.0
  6. ---
  7. # Get-Privileges
  8. ## SYNOPSIS
  9. {{ Fill in the Synopsis }}
  10. ## SYNTAX
  11. ```
  12. Get-Privileges [<CommonParameters>]
  13. ```
  15. {{ Fill in the Description }}
  16. ## EXAMPLES
  17. ### Example 1
  18. ```PowerShell
  19. PS C:\> Get-Privileges
  20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. | Privilege | PrivilegeAttributes | PriviliegeState |
  22. |-------------------------------|---------------------|-----------------|
  23. | IncreaseQuota | Disabled | Disabled |
  24. | Security | Enabled | Enabled |
  25. | TakeOwnership | Enabled | Enabled |
  26. | LoadDriver | Disabled | Disabled |
  27. | SystemProfile | Disabled | Disabled |
  28. | SystemTime | Disabled | Disabled |
  29. | ProfileSingleProcess | Disabled | Disabled |
  30. | IncreaseBasePriority | Disabled | Disabled |
  31. | CreatePageFile | Disabled | Disabled |
  32. | Backup | Enabled | Enabled |
  33. | Restore | Enabled | Enabled |
  34. | Shutdown | Disabled | Disabled |
  35. | Debug | Enabled | Enabled |
  36. | SystemEnvironment | Disabled | Disabled |
  37. | ChangeNotify EnabledByDefault | Enabled | Enabled |
  38. | RemoteShutdown | Disabled | Disabled |
  39. | Undock | Disabled | Disabled |
  40. | ManageVolume | Disabled | Disabled |
  41. | Impersonate EnabledByDefault | Enabled | Enabled |
  42. | CreateGlobal EnabledByDefault | Enabled | Enabled |
  43. | IncreaseWorkingSet | Disabled | Disabled |
  44. | TimeZone | Disabled | Disabled |
  45. | CreateSymbolicLink | Disabled | Disabled |
  46. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. ```
  48. The above command gets the privliges.
  50. ### CommonParameters
  51. This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters](
  52. ## INPUTS
  53. ### None
  54. ## OUTPUTS
  55. ### ProcessPrivileges.PrivilegeAndAttributes
  56. ## NOTES