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  1. ---
  2. external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml
  3. Module Name: ntfssecurity
  4. online version:
  5. schema: 2.0.0
  6. ---
  7. # Remove-NTFSAccess
  8. ## SYNOPSIS
  9. {{ Fill in the Synopsis }}
  10. ## SYNTAX
  11. ### PathComplex (Default)
  12. ```
  13. Remove-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2>
  14. [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>]
  15. [-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]
  16. ```
  17. ### PathSimple
  18. ```
  19. Remove-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2>
  20. [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]
  21. ```
  22. ### SDSimple
  23. ```
  24. Remove-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]>
  25. [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru]
  26. [<CommonParameters>]
  27. ```
  28. ### SDComplex
  29. ```
  30. Remove-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]>
  31. [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>]
  32. [-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]
  33. ```
  35. {{ Fill in the Description }}
  36. ## EXAMPLES
  37. ### Example 1
  38. ```PowerShell
  39. PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }}
  40. ```
  41. {{ Add example description here }}
  43. ### -AccessRights
  44. {{ Fill AccessRights Description }}
  45. ```yaml
  46. Type: FileSystemRights2
  47. Parameter Sets: (All)
  48. Aliases: FileSystemRights
  49. Accepted values: None, ReadData, ListDirectory, WriteData, CreateFiles, AppendData, CreateDirectories, ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, ExecuteFile, Traverse, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes, WriteAttributes, Write, Delete, ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute, Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, Synchronize, FullControl, GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericWrite, GenericRead
  50. Required: True
  51. Position: 3
  52. Default value: None
  53. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
  54. Accept wildcard characters: False
  55. ```
  56. ### -AccessType
  57. {{ Fill AccessType Description }}
  58. ```yaml
  59. Type: AccessControlType
  60. Parameter Sets: (All)
  61. Aliases: AccessControlType
  62. Accepted values: Allow, Deny
  63. Required: False
  64. Position: Named
  65. Default value: None
  66. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
  67. Accept wildcard characters: False
  68. ```
  69. ### -Account
  70. {{ Fill Account Description }}
  71. ```yaml
  72. Type: IdentityReference2[]
  73. Parameter Sets: (All)
  74. Aliases: IdentityReference, ID
  75. Required: True
  76. Position: 2
  77. Default value: None
  78. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
  79. Accept wildcard characters: False
  80. ```
  81. ### -AppliesTo
  82. {{ Fill AppliesTo Description }}
  83. ```yaml
  84. Type: ApplyTo
  85. Parameter Sets: PathSimple, SDSimple
  86. Aliases:
  87. Accepted values: ThisFolderOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles, ThisFolderAndSubfolders, ThisFolderAndFiles, SubfoldersAndFilesOnly, SubfoldersOnly, FilesOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFilesOneLevel, ThisFolderAndSubfoldersOneLevel, ThisFolderAndFilesOneLevel, SubfoldersAndFilesOnlyOneLevel, SubfoldersOnlyOneLevel, FilesOnlyOneLevel
  88. Required: False
  89. Position: Named
  90. Default value: None
  91. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
  92. Accept wildcard characters: False
  93. ```
  94. ### -InheritanceFlags
  95. {{ Fill InheritanceFlags Description }}
  96. ```yaml
  97. Type: InheritanceFlags
  98. Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex
  99. Aliases:
  100. Accepted values: None, ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit
  101. Required: False
  102. Position: Named
  103. Default value: None
  104. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
  105. Accept wildcard characters: False
  106. ```
  107. ### -PassThru
  108. {{ Fill PassThru Description }}
  109. ```yaml
  110. Type: SwitchParameter
  111. Parameter Sets: (All)
  112. Aliases:
  113. Required: False
  114. Position: Named
  115. Default value: None
  116. Accept pipeline input: False
  117. Accept wildcard characters: False
  118. ```
  119. ### -Path
  120. {{ Fill Path Description }}
  121. ```yaml
  122. Type: String[]
  123. Parameter Sets: PathComplex, PathSimple
  124. Aliases: FullName
  125. Required: True
  126. Position: 1
  127. Default value: None
  128. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
  129. Accept wildcard characters: False
  130. ```
  131. ### -PropagationFlags
  132. {{ Fill PropagationFlags Description }}
  133. ```yaml
  134. Type: PropagationFlags
  135. Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex
  136. Aliases:
  137. Accepted values: None, NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly
  138. Required: False
  139. Position: Named
  140. Default value: None
  141. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
  142. Accept wildcard characters: False
  143. ```
  144. ### -SecurityDescriptor
  145. The SecurityDescriptor parameter allows passing an security descriptor or an array or security descriptors.
  146. A security descriptor contains information about the owner of the object, and the primary group of an object. The security descriptor also contains two access control lists (ACL). The first list is called the discretionary access control lists (DACL), and describes who should have access to an object and what type of access to grant. The second list is called the system access control lists (SACL) and defines what type of auditing to record for an object.
  147. ```yaml
  148. Type: FileSystemSecurity2[]
  149. Parameter Sets: SDSimple, SDComplex
  150. Aliases:
  151. Required: True
  152. Position: 1
  153. Default value: None
  154. Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
  155. Accept wildcard characters: False
  156. ```
  157. ### CommonParameters
  158. This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters](
  159. ## INPUTS
  160. ### System.String[]
  161. ### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[]
  162. ### Security2.IdentityReference2[]
  163. ### Security2.FileSystemRights2
  164. ### System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType
  165. ### System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags
  166. ### System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags
  167. ### Security2.ApplyTo
  168. ## OUTPUTS
  169. ### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2
  170. ## NOTES