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NTFSSecurity.psd1 2.6 KiB

8 years ago
8 years ago
  1. @{
  2. ModuleToProcess = 'NTFSSecurity.psm1'
  3. ModuleVersion = '4.2.3'
  4. GUID = 'cd303a6c-f405-4dcb-b1ce-fbc2c52264e9'
  5. Author = 'Raimund Andree'
  6. CompanyName = 'Raimund Andree'
  7. Copyright = '2015'
  8. Description = 'Windows PowerShell Module for managing file and folder security on NTFS volumes'
  9. PowerShellVersion = '2.0'
  10. DotNetFrameworkVersion = '3.5'
  11. ScriptsToProcess = @('NTFSSecurity.Init.ps1')
  12. TypesToProcess = @('NTFSSecurity.types.ps1xml')
  13. FormatsToProcess = @()
  14. NestedModules = @('NTFSSecurity.dll')
  15. AliasesToExport = '*'
  16. CmdletsToExport = 'Add-NTFSAccess',
  17. 'Clear-NTFSAccess',
  18. 'Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance',
  19. 'Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance',
  20. 'Get-NTFSAccess',
  21. 'Get-NTFSEffectiveAccess',
  22. 'Get-NTFSOrphanedAccess',
  23. 'Get-NTFSSimpleAccess',
  24. 'Remove-NTFSAccess',
  25. 'Show-NTFSSimpleAccess',
  26. #----------------------------------------------
  27. 'Add-NTFSAudit',
  28. 'Clear-NTFSAudit',
  29. 'Disable-NTFSAuditInheritance',
  30. 'Enable-NTFSAuditInheritance',
  31. 'Get-NTFSAudit',
  32. 'Get-NTFSOrphanedAudit',
  33. 'Remove-NTFSAudit',
  34. #----------------------------------------------
  35. 'Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance',
  36. 'Disable-NTFSAuditInheritance',
  37. 'Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance',
  38. 'Enable-NTFSAuditInheritance',
  39. 'Get-NTFSInheritance',
  40. 'Set-NTFSInheritance',
  41. #----------------------------------------------
  42. 'Get-NTFSOwner',
  43. 'Set-NTFSOwner',
  44. #----------------------------------------------
  45. 'Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor',
  46. 'Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor',
  47. #----------------------------------------------
  48. 'Disable-Privileges',
  49. 'Enable-Privileges',
  50. 'Get-Privileges',
  51. #----------------------------------------------
  52. 'Copy-Item2',
  53. 'Get-ChildItem2',
  54. 'Get-Item2',
  55. 'Move-Item2',
  56. 'Remove-Item2',
  57. #----------------------------------------------
  58. 'Test-Path2',
  59. #----------------------------------------------
  60. 'Get-NTFSHardLink',
  61. 'New-NTFSHardLink',
  62. 'New-NTFSSymbolicLink',
  63. #----------------------------------------------
  64. 'Get-DiskSpace',
  65. 'Get-FileHash2'
  66. ModuleList = @('NTFSSecurity.dll')
  67. FileList = @('NTFSSecurity.dll', 'NTFSSecurity.types.ps1xml', 'NTFSSecurity.format.ps1xml', 'NTFSSecurity.Init.ps1', 'NTFSSecurity.psm1')
  68. PrivateData = @{
  69. EnablePrivileges = $true
  70. GetInheritedFrom = $true
  71. GetFileSystemModeProperty = $true
  72. ShowAccountSid = $false
  73. IdentifyHardLinks = $true
  74. PSData = @{
  75. Tags = @('AccessControl', 'ACL', 'DirectorySecurity', 'FileSecurity', 'FileSystem', 'FileSystemSecurity', 'NTFS', 'Module', 'AccessRights')
  76. LicenseUri = ''
  77. ProjectUri = ''
  78. }
  79. }
  80. }