Markdown help & automated docs buildpull/72/head
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# .readthedocs.yml | |||||
# Read the Docs configuration file | |||||
# See for details | |||||
# Required | |||||
version: 2 | |||||
# Build documentation with MkDocs | |||||
mkdocs: | |||||
configuration: mkdocs.yml | |||||
# Optionally build your docs in additional formats such as PDF and ePub | |||||
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@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: NTFSSecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Add-NTFSAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
Adds an access control entry (ACE) to an object. | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### PathComplex (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] | |||||
[-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### PathSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDComplex | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] | |||||
[-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
Adds an access control entry (ACE) to an object such as a file or folder. NTFSSecurity allows you to apply basic permission groups (read, read/write, full) or advanced permissions that allow you to get granular with the permissions. See the below table for how the basic permissions map to the advanced permissions, and how NTFSSecurity handles them. | |||||
| NTFSSecurity | AccessRight displayed | Advanced Security Window | | |||||
|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |||||
| ReadData | ListDirectory | List Folder / Read Data | | |||||
| ListDirectory | ListDirectory | List Folder / Read Data | | |||||
| WriteData | CreateFile | Create Files / Write Data | | |||||
| CreateFiles | CreateFile | Create Files / Write Data | | |||||
| AppendData | CreateDirectories | Create Folders / Append Data | | |||||
| CreateDirectories | CreateDirectories | Create Folders / Append Data | | |||||
| ReadExtendedAttributes | ReadExtendedAttributes | Read Extended Attributes | | |||||
| WriteExtendedAttributes | WriteExtendedAttributes | WriteExtendedAttributes | | |||||
| ExecuteFile | Traverse | Traverse Folder / Execute File | | |||||
| Traverse | Traverse | Traverse Folder / Execute File | | |||||
| DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles | DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles | Delete Sub-folders and Files | | |||||
| ReadAttributes | ReadAttributes | Read Attributes | | |||||
| WriteAttributes | WriteAttributes | Write Attributes | | |||||
| Write | Write | Create Files / Write Data, Create Folders / Append Data, Write-Attributes, Write Extended Attributes | | |||||
| Delete | Delete | Delete | | |||||
| ReadPermissions | ReadPermissions | Read Permissions | | |||||
| Read | Read | List Folder / Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, Read Permissions | | |||||
| ReadAndExecute | ReadAndExecute | Traverse Folder / Execute File, List Folder / Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, Read Permissions | | |||||
| Modify | Modify | Everything except Full Control, Delete SubFolders and Files, Change Permissions, Take Ownership | | |||||
| ChangePermissions | ChangePermissions | Change Permissions | | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> Add-NTFSAccess -Path C:\Data -Account 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users' -AccessRights Read | |||||
``` | |||||
The above command gives the read permissions to the built-in group of 'Authenticated users'. | |||||
### Example 2 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> Add-NTFSAccess -Path C:\Data -Account 'Contoso\Domain Admins' -AccessRights Full | |||||
``` | |||||
The above command gives full permissions to the domain administrators group in the contoso active directory. | |||||
### Example 3 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> Add-NTFSAccess -Path C:\Data -Account 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users' -AccessRights CreateFiles -AccessType Deny -AppliesTo ThisFolderOnly | |||||
``` | |||||
The above command denies the the built-in group of 'Authenticated users' from creating files in this folder only. | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -AccessRights | |||||
The AccessRights parameter designates the permissions to assign. There are individual permissions as well as 'basic' permissions. See the below table for how the basic permissions permissions map the the advanced permissions in the advanced security window. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemRights2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FileSystemRights | |||||
Accepted values: None, ReadData, ListDirectory, WriteData, CreateFiles, AppendData, CreateDirectories, ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, ExecuteFile, Traverse, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes, WriteAttributes, Write, Delete, ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute, Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, Synchronize, FullControl, GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericWrite, GenericRead | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 3 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AccessType | |||||
The AccessType parameter determines if the ACE allows or denies the permissions assigned. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: AccessControlType | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: AccessControlType | |||||
Accepted values: Allow, Deny | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Account | |||||
The Account parameter defines the account or group to apply the permissions to. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AppliesTo | |||||
The AppliesTo parameter defines where the permissions apply to and if there is any inheritance e.g "this folder only" or "this folder and subfolders". | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: ApplyTo | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathSimple, SDSimple | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: ThisFolderOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles, ThisFolderAndSubfolders, ThisFolderAndFiles, SubfoldersAndFilesOnly, SubfoldersOnly, FilesOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFilesOneLevel, ThisFolderAndSubfoldersOneLevel, ThisFolderAndFilesOneLevel, SubfoldersAndFilesOnlyOneLevel, SubfoldersOnlyOneLevel, FilesOnlyOneLevel | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -InheritanceFlags | |||||
The InheritanceFlags parameter defines the inheritance of the ACLs. | |||||
ObjectInherit will apply the ACE to files and folders in the folder defined by the Path parameter. | |||||
ContainerInherit will apply the ACE to subfolders but not files. | |||||
There is more information on Microsoft Docs [here]( | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: InheritanceFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
The PassThru parameter will return the new permissions as a table. If the PassThru parameter is omitted, there is no information returned if the operation was successful. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
The Path parameter defines where the file or container exists. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, PathSimple | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PropagationFlags | |||||
The PropagationFlags parameter defines how the ACE is propagated to child objects. | |||||
Inherit specifies that the ACE is propagated only to child objects. This includes both folder and file child objects. | |||||
NoPropagateInherit specifies that the ACE is not propagated to child objects. | |||||
None specifies that no inheritance flags are set. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: PropagationFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
The SecurityDescriptor parameter allows passing an security descriptor or an array or security descriptors. | |||||
A security descriptor contains information about the owner of the object, and the primary group of an object. The security descriptor also contains two access control lists (ACL). The first list is called the discretionary access control lists (DACL), and describes who should have access to an object and what type of access to grant. The second list is called the system access control lists (SACL) and defines what type of auditing to record for an object. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SDSimple, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemRights2 | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags | |||||
### Security2.ApplyTo | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Add-NTFSAudit | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### PathComplex (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAudit [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] [-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] | |||||
[-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### PathSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAudit [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDComplex | |||||
``` | |||||
Add-NTFSAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] | |||||
[-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -AccessRights | |||||
{{ Fill AccessRights Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemRights2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FileSystemRights | |||||
Accepted values: None, ReadData, ListDirectory, WriteData, CreateFiles, AppendData, CreateDirectories, ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, ExecuteFile, Traverse, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes, WriteAttributes, Write, Delete, ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute, Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, Synchronize, FullControl, GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericWrite, GenericRead | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AppliesTo | |||||
{{ Fill AppliesTo Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: ApplyTo | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathSimple, SDSimple | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: ThisFolderOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles, ThisFolderAndSubfolders, ThisFolderAndFiles, SubfoldersAndFilesOnly, SubfoldersOnly, FilesOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFilesOneLevel, ThisFolderAndSubfoldersOneLevel, ThisFolderAndFilesOneLevel, SubfoldersAndFilesOnlyOneLevel, SubfoldersOnlyOneLevel, FilesOnlyOneLevel | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AuditFlags | |||||
{{ Fill AuditFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: AuditFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, Success, Failure | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -InheritanceFlags | |||||
{{ Fill InheritanceFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: InheritanceFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, PathSimple | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PropagationFlags | |||||
{{ Fill PropagationFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: PropagationFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SDSimple, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemRights2 | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags | |||||
### Security2.ApplyTo | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Clear-NTFSAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Clear-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-DisableInheritance] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Clear-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-DisableInheritance] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -DisableInheritance | |||||
{{ Fill DisableInheritance Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Clear-NTFSAudit | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Clear-NTFSAudit [-Path] <String[]> [-DisableInheritance] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Clear-NTFSAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-DisableInheritance] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -DisableInheritance | |||||
{{ Fill DisableInheritance Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Copy-Item2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Copy-Item2 [-Path] <String[]> [-Destination] <String> [-Force] [-PassThru <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Confirm | |||||
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: cf | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Destination | |||||
{{ Fill Destination Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Force | |||||
{{ Fill Force Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: Boolean | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -WhatIf | |||||
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. | |||||
The cmdlet is not run. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: wi | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### System.String | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance [[-Path] <String[]>] [-RemoveInheritedAccessRules] [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-RemoveInheritedAccessRules] | |||||
[-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -RemoveInheritedAccessRules | |||||
{{ Fill RemoveInheritedAccessRules Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Disable-NTFSAuditInheritance | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Disable-NTFSAuditInheritance [[-Path] <String[]>] [-RemoveInheritedAccessRules] [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Disable-NTFSAuditInheritance [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-RemoveInheritedAccessRules] | |||||
[-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -RemoveInheritedAccessRules | |||||
{{ Fill RemoveInheritedAccessRules Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Disable-Privileges | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Disable-Privileges [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### None | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### ProcessPrivileges.PrivilegeAndAttributes | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance [[-Path] <String[]>] [-PassThru] [-RemoveExplicitAccessRules] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-PassThru] | |||||
[-RemoveExplicitAccessRules] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -RemoveExplicitAccessRules | |||||
{{ Fill RemoveExplicitAccessRules Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Enable-NTFSAuditInheritance | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Enable-NTFSAuditInheritance [[-Path] <String[]>] [-PassThru] [-RemoveExplicitAccessRules] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Enable-NTFSAuditInheritance [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-PassThru] | |||||
[-RemoveExplicitAccessRules] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -RemoveExplicitAccessRules | |||||
{{ Fill RemoveExplicitAccessRules Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Enable-Privileges | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Enable-Privileges [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### None | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### ProcessPrivileges.PrivilegeAndAttributes | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-ChildItem2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-ChildItem2 [[-Path] <String[]>] [[-Filter] <String>] [-Recurse] [-Directory] [-File] | |||||
[-Attributes <FileAttributes>] [-Hidden] [-System] [-ReadOnly] [-Force] [-SkipMountPoints] | |||||
[-SkipSymbolicLinks] [-Depth <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Attributes | |||||
{{ Fill Attributes Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileAttributes | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: ReadOnly, Hidden, System, Directory, Archive, Device, Normal, Temporary, SparseFile, ReparsePoint, Compressed, Offline, NotContentIndexed, Encrypted, IntegrityStream, NoScrubData | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Depth | |||||
{{ Fill Depth Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: Int32 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Directory | |||||
{{ Fill Directory Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -File | |||||
{{ Fill File Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Filter | |||||
{{ Fill Filter Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Force | |||||
{{ Fill Force Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Hidden | |||||
{{ Fill Hidden Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ReadOnly | |||||
{{ Fill ReadOnly Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Recurse | |||||
{{ Fill Recurse Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SkipMountPoints | |||||
{{ Fill SkipMountPoints Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SkipSymbolicLinks | |||||
{{ Fill SkipSymbolicLinks Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -System | |||||
{{ Fill System Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-DiskSpace | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-DiskSpace [[-DriveLetter] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -DriveLetter | |||||
{{ Fill DriveLetter Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### None | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DiskSpaceInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-FileHash2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-FileHash2 [-Path] <String[]> [[-Algorithm] <HashAlgorithms>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Algorithm | |||||
{{ Fill Algorithm Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: HashAlgorithms | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MACTripleDES, MD5, RIPEMD160 | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystem.FileInfo.HashAlgorithms | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-Item2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-Item2 [[-Path] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSAccess [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] [-ExcludeInherited] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] | |||||
[-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeExplicit | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeExplicit Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeInherited | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeInherited Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSAudit | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSAudit [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] [-ExcludeInherited] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] | |||||
[-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeExplicit | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeExplicit Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeInherited | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeInherited Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAuditRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSEffectiveAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSEffectiveAccess [[-Path] <String[]>] [[-Account] <IdentityReference2>] [-ServerName <String>] | |||||
[-ExcludeNoneAccessEntries] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSEffectiveAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [[-Account] <IdentityReference2>] | |||||
[-ServerName <String>] [-ExcludeNoneAccessEntries] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: NTAccount, IdentityReference | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeNoneAccessEntries | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeNoneAccessEntries Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ServerName | |||||
{{ Fill ServerName Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSHardLink | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSHardLink [[-Path] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSInheritance | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSInheritance [[-Path] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSInheritance [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemInheritanceInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSOrphanedAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSOrphanedAccess [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] | |||||
[-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSOrphanedAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account <IdentityReference2>] | |||||
[-ExcludeExplicit] [-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeExplicit | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeExplicit Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeInherited | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeInherited Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSOrphanedAudit | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSOrphanedAudit [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] | |||||
[-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSOrphanedAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account <IdentityReference2>] | |||||
[-ExcludeExplicit] [-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeExplicit | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeExplicit Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeInherited | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeInherited Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAuditRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSOwner | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSOwner [[-Path] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSOwner [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemOwner | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor [[-Path] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-NTFSSimpleAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSSimpleAccess [-IncludeRootFolder] [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Account <IdentityReference2>] | |||||
[-ExcludeExplicit] [-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SD | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-NTFSSimpleAccess [-IncludeRootFolder] [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> | |||||
[-Account <IdentityReference2>] [-ExcludeExplicit] [-ExcludeInherited] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeExplicit | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeExplicit Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -ExcludeInherited | |||||
{{ Fill ExcludeInherited Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -IncludeRootFolder | |||||
{{ Fill IncludeRootFolder Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SD | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.SimpleFileSystemAccessRule | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Get-Privileges | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Get-Privileges [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### None | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### ProcessPrivileges.PrivilegeAndAttributes | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Move-Item2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Move-Item2 [-Path] <String[]> [-Destination] <String> [-Force] [-PassThru <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Confirm | |||||
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: cf | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Destination | |||||
{{ Fill Destination Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Force | |||||
{{ Fill Force Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: Boolean | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -WhatIf | |||||
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. | |||||
The cmdlet is not run. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: wi | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### System.String | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# New-NTFSHardLink | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
New-NTFSHardLink [[-Path] <String>] [[-Target] <String>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Target | |||||
{{ Fill Target Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# New-NTFSSymbolicLink | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
New-NTFSSymbolicLink [[-Path] <String>] [[-Target] <String>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Target | |||||
{{ Fill Target Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Remove-Item2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-Item2 [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Force] [-Recurse] [-PassThur] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Confirm | |||||
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: cf | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Force | |||||
{{ Fill Force Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThur | |||||
{{ Fill PassThur Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Recurse | |||||
{{ Fill Recurse Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -WhatIf | |||||
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. | |||||
The cmdlet is not run. | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: wi | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Remove-NTFSAccess | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### PathComplex (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] | |||||
[-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### PathSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAccess [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDComplex | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAccess [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AccessType <AccessControlType>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] | |||||
[-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -AccessRights | |||||
{{ Fill AccessRights Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemRights2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FileSystemRights | |||||
Accepted values: None, ReadData, ListDirectory, WriteData, CreateFiles, AppendData, CreateDirectories, ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, ExecuteFile, Traverse, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes, WriteAttributes, Write, Delete, ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute, Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, Synchronize, FullControl, GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericWrite, GenericRead | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 3 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AccessType | |||||
{{ Fill AccessType Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: AccessControlType | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: AccessControlType | |||||
Accepted values: Allow, Deny | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AppliesTo | |||||
{{ Fill AppliesTo Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: ApplyTo | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathSimple, SDSimple | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: ThisFolderOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles, ThisFolderAndSubfolders, ThisFolderAndFiles, SubfoldersAndFilesOnly, SubfoldersOnly, FilesOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFilesOneLevel, ThisFolderAndSubfoldersOneLevel, ThisFolderAndFilesOneLevel, SubfoldersAndFilesOnlyOneLevel, SubfoldersOnlyOneLevel, FilesOnlyOneLevel | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -InheritanceFlags | |||||
{{ Fill InheritanceFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: InheritanceFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, PathSimple | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PropagationFlags | |||||
{{ Fill PropagationFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: PropagationFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SDSimple, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemRights2 | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags | |||||
### Security2.ApplyTo | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Remove-NTFSAudit | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### PathComplex (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAudit [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] [-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] | |||||
[-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### PathSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAudit [-Path] <String[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> [-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> | |||||
[-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDSimple | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-AppliesTo <ApplyTo>] [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SDComplex | |||||
``` | |||||
Remove-NTFSAudit [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2[]> | |||||
[-AccessRights] <FileSystemRights2> [-AuditFlags <AuditFlags>] [-InheritanceFlags <InheritanceFlags>] | |||||
[-PropagationFlags <PropagationFlags>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -AccessRights | |||||
{{ Fill AccessRights Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemRights2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FileSystemRights | |||||
Accepted values: None, ReadData, ListDirectory, WriteData, CreateFiles, AppendData, CreateDirectories, ReadExtendedAttributes, WriteExtendedAttributes, ExecuteFile, Traverse, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes, WriteAttributes, Write, Delete, ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute, Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, Synchronize, FullControl, GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericWrite, GenericRead | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 3 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: IdentityReference, ID | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AppliesTo | |||||
{{ Fill AppliesTo Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: ApplyTo | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathSimple, SDSimple | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: ThisFolderOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles, ThisFolderAndSubfolders, ThisFolderAndFiles, SubfoldersAndFilesOnly, SubfoldersOnly, FilesOnly, ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFilesOneLevel, ThisFolderAndSubfoldersOneLevel, ThisFolderAndFilesOneLevel, SubfoldersAndFilesOnlyOneLevel, SubfoldersOnlyOneLevel, FilesOnlyOneLevel | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AuditFlags | |||||
{{ Fill AuditFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: AuditFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, Success, Failure | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -InheritanceFlags | |||||
{{ Fill InheritanceFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: InheritanceFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, PathSimple | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PropagationFlags | |||||
{{ Fill PropagationFlags Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: PropagationFlags | |||||
Parameter Sets: PathComplex, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: None, NoPropagateInherit, InheritOnly | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SDSimple, SDComplex | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemRights2 | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags | |||||
### System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags | |||||
### Security2.ApplyTo | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemAccessRule2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Set-NTFSInheritance | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Set-NTFSInheritance [[-Path] <String[]>] [-AccessInheritanceEnabled <Boolean>] | |||||
[-AuditInheritanceEnabled <Boolean>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Set-NTFSInheritance [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-AccessInheritanceEnabled <Boolean>] | |||||
[-AuditInheritanceEnabled <Boolean>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -AccessInheritanceEnabled | |||||
{{ Fill AccessInheritanceEnabled Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: Boolean | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -AuditInheritanceEnabled | |||||
{{ Fill AuditInheritanceEnabled Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: Boolean | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### System.Nullable`1[[System.Boolean, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### System.Object | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Set-NTFSOwner | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
### Path (Default) | |||||
``` | |||||
Set-NTFSOwner [[-Path] <String[]>] [-Account] <IdentityReference2> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
### SecurityDescriptor | |||||
``` | |||||
Set-NTFSOwner [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-Account] <IdentityReference2> [-PassThru] | |||||
[<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Account | |||||
{{ Fill Account Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: IdentityReference2 | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: Path | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: SecurityDescriptor | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
### Security2.IdentityReference2 | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemOwner | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor [-SecurityDescriptor] <FileSystemSecurity2[]> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -PassThru | |||||
{{ Fill PassThru Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: SwitchParameter | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: False | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -SecurityDescriptor | |||||
{{ Fill SecurityDescriptor Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 2 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2[] | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Security2.FileSystemSecurity2 | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ | |||||
--- | |||||
external help file: NTFSSecurity.dll-Help.xml | |||||
Module Name: ntfssecurity | |||||
online version: | |||||
schema: 2.0.0 | |||||
--- | |||||
# Test-Path2 | |||||
## SYNOPSIS | |||||
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} | |||||
## SYNTAX | |||||
``` | |||||
Test-Path2 [-Path] <String[]> [-PathType <TestPathType>] [<CommonParameters>] | |||||
``` | |||||
## DESCRIPTION | |||||
{{ Fill in the Description }} | |||||
## EXAMPLES | |||||
### Example 1 | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }} | |||||
``` | |||||
{{ Add example description here }} | |||||
## PARAMETERS | |||||
### -Path | |||||
{{ Fill Path Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: String[] | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: FullName | |||||
Required: True | |||||
Position: 1 | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### -PathType | |||||
{{ Fill PathType Description }} | |||||
```yaml | |||||
Type: TestPathType | |||||
Parameter Sets: (All) | |||||
Aliases: | |||||
Accepted values: Any, Container, Leaf | |||||
Required: False | |||||
Position: Named | |||||
Default value: None | |||||
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName) | |||||
Accept wildcard characters: False | |||||
``` | |||||
### CommonParameters | |||||
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters]( | |||||
## INPUTS | |||||
### System.String[] | |||||
### NTFSSecurity.TestPathType | |||||
## OUTPUTS | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo | |||||
### Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo | |||||
## NOTES | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ | |||||
## Overview | |||||
Before starting with the NTFSSecurity module there are some core concepts that you will need to understand. | |||||
There are two ways you can handle permissions, basic and advanced. The basic set of permissions are goups of advanced permissions that allow you to assign common role such as 'Read', 'Read/Write', or 'Full'. Advanced permissions allow you granular control of what can and can't be access or used. The advanced permissions are commonly used to build custom Role-Based Access Control tooling. | |||||
Below is an explaination taken from the fantastic site for each of the advanced file permissions. | |||||
### Traverse Folder/Execute File | |||||
* **Traverse Folder**: Allows or denies moving through a restricted folder to reach files and folders beneath the restricted folder in the folder hierarchy. Traverse folder takes effect only when the group or user is not granted the "Bypass traverse checking user" right in the Group Policy snap-in. This permission does not automatically allow running program files. | |||||
* **Execute File**: Allows or denies running program (executable) files. | |||||
### List Folder/Read Data | |||||
* **List Folder**: Allows or denies viewing file names and subfolder names within the folder. List Folder only affects the contents of that folder and does not affect whether the folder you are setting the permission on will be listed. | |||||
* **Read Data**: Allows or denies viewing data in files. | |||||
### Read Attributes | |||||
* Allows or denies viewing the attributes of a file or folder, for example, "read-only" and "hidden". | |||||
### Read Extended Attributes | |||||
* Allows or denies viewing the extended attributes of a file or folder. Extended attributes are defined by programs and may vary by program. | |||||
### Create Files/Write Data | |||||
* **Create Files**: Allows or denies creating files within the folder. | |||||
* **Write Data**: Allows or denies making changes to a file and overwriting existing content. | |||||
### Create Folders/Append Data | |||||
* **Create Folders**: Allows or denies creating subfolders within the folder. | |||||
* **Append Data**: Allows or denies making changes to the end of the file but not changing, deleting, or overwriting existing data. | |||||
### Write Attributes | |||||
* Allows or denies changing the attributes of a file or folder, for example, "read-only" or "hidden". | |||||
* The Write Attributes permission does not imply creating or deleting files or folders, it only includes the permission to make changes to the attributes of an existing file or folder. | |||||
### Write Extended Attributes | |||||
* Allows or denies changing the extended attributes of a file or folder. Extended attributes are defined by programs and may vary by program. | |||||
* The Write Extended Attributes permission does not imply creating or deleting files or folders, it only includes the permission to make changes to the extended attributes of an existing file or folder. | |||||
### Delete Subfolders and Files | |||||
* Allows or denies deleting subfolders and files, even if the Delete permission has not been granted on the subfolder or file. | |||||
### Delete | |||||
* Allows or denies deleting the file or folder. If you don't have Delete permission on a file or folder, you can still delete it if you have been granted Delete Subfolders and Files on the parent folder. | |||||
### Read Permissions | |||||
* Allows or denies reading permissions of a file or folder. | |||||
### Change Permissions | |||||
* Allows or denies changing permissions of the file or folder. | |||||
### Take Ownership | |||||
* Allows or denies taking ownership of the file or folder. The owner of a file or folder can always change permissions on it, regardless of any existing permissions that protect the file or folder. | |||||
You can see how the basic permissions, advanced permissions, and the NTFSSecurity module relate to one another in the below table. | |||||
| NTFSSecurity | AccessRight displayed | Advanced Security Window | | |||||
|------------------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |||||
| ReadData | ListDirectory | List Folder / Read Data | | |||||
| ListDirectory | ListDirectory | List Folder / Read Data | | |||||
| WriteData | CreateFile | Create Files / Write Data | | |||||
| CreateFiles | CreateFile | Create Files / Write Data | | |||||
| AppendData | CreateDirectories | Create Folders / Append Data | | |||||
| CreateDirectories | CreateDirectories | Create Folders / Append Data | | |||||
| ReadExtendedAttributes | ReadExtendedAttributes | Read Extended Attributes | | |||||
| WriteExtendedAttributes | WriteExtendedAttributes | WriteExtendedAttributes | | |||||
| ExecuteFile | Traverse | Traverse Folder / Execute File | | |||||
| Traverse | Traverse | Traverse Folder / Execute File | | |||||
| DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles | DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles | Delete Sub-folders and Files | | |||||
| ReadAttributes | ReadAttributes | Read Attributes | | |||||
| WriteAttributes | WriteAttributes | Write Attributes | | |||||
| Write | Write | Create Files / Write Data, Create Folders / Append Data, Write-Attributes, Write Extended Attributes | | |||||
| Delete | Delete | Delete | | |||||
| ReadPermissions | ReadPermissions | Read Permissions | | |||||
| Read | Read | List Folder / Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, Read Permissions | | |||||
| ReadAndExecute | ReadAndExecute | Traverse Folder / Execute File, List Folder / Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, Read Permissions | | |||||
| Modify | Modify | Everything except Full Control, Delete SubFolders and Files, Change Permissions, Take Ownership | | |||||
| ChangePermissions | ChangePermissions | Change Permissions | |
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ | |||||
# Contributor Guide | |||||
Thank you for your interest in contributing to quality documentations. | |||||
As an open source project, we welcome input and updates from the community. | |||||
The following topics explain how to contribute to the NTFSAccess documentation. | |||||
1. [Get started](./Contributing/ | |||||
2. [Writing PowerShell documentation](./Contributing/ | |||||
This contributor guide is a modified version of the one found on the [Powershell Docs]( GitHub page. |
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# Contributing to PowerShell Documentation | |||||
Thank you for your interest in NTFSAccess documentation! | |||||
See below for details on how you can contribute to our technical documentation. | |||||
> For general information about getting started with Git and GitHub, see [GitHub Help][git-help]. | |||||
## Providing feedback on NTFSAccess documentation | |||||
Report errors, suggest changes, or request new topics by [creating an issue][new-issue] on the | |||||
[NTFSAccess repository issues page][doc-issues]. | |||||
## Making minor edits to existing topics | |||||
To [edit an existing file][edit-file], navigate to it and click the "Edit" button. GitHub will | |||||
automatically create your own fork of our repository where you can make your changes. Once you are | |||||
finished, save your edits and submit a [pull request][pull] to the *staging* branch of the | |||||
[NTFSAccess-Docs][docs-repo] repository. After your pull request is created, someone on the | |||||
NTFSAccess documentation team reviews your changes before merging them into the *staging* branch. | |||||
## Making major edits to existing topics | |||||
If you are making significant changes, adding or changing images, or contributing a new article, you | |||||
need to create a GitHub fork and clone it to your computer. A fork is a GitHub-based replica of the | |||||
main repository, under your GitHub account, that provides you with a working copy which you can use | |||||
in isolation. You create pull requests from your fork. Similarly, a clone is a local-based replica | |||||
of the repository which, in this case, is a clone of your fork. The clone allows you to work on Git | |||||
repositories offline, and using more powerful native software/tools. | |||||
Here is the workflow for making major edits to existing documentation: | |||||
1. [Create a fork][fork] of the [NTFSAccess][docs-repo] repository. | |||||
2. [Create a clone of your fork][clone] on your local computer. | |||||
3. Create a new local branch in your cloned repository. | |||||
4. Make changes to the file(s) you want to update in a Markdown editor. | |||||
5. [Push your local branch][push] to your fork. | |||||
6. [Create a pull request][pull] to the *staging* branch of the [NTFSAccess-Docs][docs-repo] | |||||
repository. | |||||
## Next steps | |||||
See [Writing documentation]( | |||||
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[git-help]: | |||||
[new-issue]: | |||||
[doc-issues]: | |||||
[edit-file]: | |||||
[docs-repo]: | |||||
[fork]: | |||||
[clone]: | |||||
[push]: | |||||
[pull]: |
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One of the easiest ways to contribute to the NTFSAccess PowerShell module is by helping to write and edit documentation. | |||||
All the documentation hosted on GitHub is written using *Markdown*. Markdown is a lightweight markup | |||||
language with plain text formatting syntax. Markdown forms the basis of our documentation's | |||||
conceptual authoring language. Creating new articles is as easy as writing a simple text file by | |||||
using your favorite text editor. | |||||
## Markdown editors | |||||
Here are some Markdown editors you can try out: | |||||
- [Visual Studio Code]( | |||||
- [Atom]( | |||||
- [Sublime Text]( | |||||
## Get started using Markdown | |||||
To get started using Markdown, see [How to use Markdown for writing Docs]( | |||||
NTFSSecurity uses the [Mkdocs][mkdocs] builder on ReadTheDocs for documentation. | |||||
Don't use hard tabs in Markdown. For more detailed information about the Markdown specification, see the | |||||
[Markdown Specifics]( article. | |||||
## Creating new topics | |||||
To contribute new documentation, check for issues tagged as ["Help Wanted"][labels] to make sure | |||||
you're not duplicating efforts. If no one seems to be working on what you have planned: | |||||
- Open a new issue and label it as "in progress". If you don't have rights to assign labels, add "in | |||||
progress" as a comment to tell others what you're working on. | |||||
- Follow the same workflow as described above for making major edits to existing topics. | |||||
- Add your new article to the `TOC.yml` file (located in the top-level folder of each | |||||
documentation set). | |||||
## Updating topics that exist in multiple versions | |||||
Most reference topics are duplicated across all versions of PowerShell. When reporting an issue | |||||
about a cmdlet reference or an About_ article, you must specify which versions are affected by the | |||||
issue. The default issue template in GitHub includes a [GFM task list][gfm-task]. Use the checkboxes | |||||
in the task list to specify which versions of the content are affected. When you submit a change to | |||||
a article for an issue that affects multiple versions of the content, you must apply the appropriate | |||||
change to each version of the file. | |||||
## Next Steps | |||||
Read the [Style Guide]( | |||||
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[markdig]: | |||||
[CommonMark]: | |||||
[gfm-help]: | |||||
[labels]: | |||||
[mkdocs]: |
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# NTFSSecurity | |||||
[![Build status](]( [![Documentation Status](]( | |||||
Managing file & folder permissions with PowerShell is only a bit easier than in VBS or the command line as there are no cmdlets for most day-to-day tasks like getting a permission report or adding permission to an item. PowerShell only offers Get-Acl and Set-Acl but everything in between getting and setting the ACL is missing. This module closes the gap. | |||||
[Version History]( | |||||
## Installation | |||||
You have two options: | |||||
* Download the latest release from the [releases]( section on GitHub. | |||||
* Download the module from the [PowerShell Gallery]( | |||||
```PowerShell | |||||
Install-Module -Name NTFSSecurity | |||||
``` | |||||
Further help can be found in How to install if you face difficulties getting this module installed. | |||||
## Documentation | |||||
The cmdlets are yet not documented completely so Get-Help will not show help for all the cmdlets. This ReadTheDocs site is the first step to documenting the module. | |||||
## Tutorials | |||||
There are a number of tutorials available on the web. The below two were written by the author of the NTFSSecurity module. | |||||
[NTFSSecurity Tutorial 1 - Getting, adding and removing permissions]( | |||||
[NTFSSecurity Tutorial 2 - Managing NTFS Inheritance and Using Privileges]( |
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ | |||||
install: | |||||
- ps: | | |||||
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force | |||||
Install-Module platyPS -Force | |||||
Install-Module MarkdownLinkCheck -Force | |||||
Install-Module NTFSSecurity -Force | |||||
Import-Module platyPS | |||||
Import-Module MarkdownLinkCheck | |||||
init: | |||||
- ps: git config --global core.autocrlf true | |||||
build_script: | |||||
- ps: Import-Module -Force NTFSSecurity | |||||
test_script: | |||||
- ps: | | |||||
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' | |||||
# 01. Test that documentation is up-to-date | |||||
Update-MarkdownHelp -Path ./Docs/Cmdlets | |||||
$Diff = git diff | |||||
if ($Diff) { | |||||
throw "Help is not up-to-date, run Update-MarkdownHelp: $diff" | |||||
} | |||||
# 02. Verify hyperlinks | |||||
$BrokenLinks = Get-MarkdownLink -Path .\Docs\ -BrokenOnly | |||||
if ($brokenLinks) { | |||||
throw "Found broken hyperlinks $brokenLinks" | |||||
} |
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copyright: The NTFSSecurity module is licensed under the <a href=''>MIT license | |||||
repo_url: | |||||
nav: | |||||
- Home: ./ | |||||
- Concepts: ./ | |||||
- Cmdlets: | |||||
- Add-NTFSAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Add-NTFSAudit: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Clear-NTFSAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Clear-NTFSAudit: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Copy-Item2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Disable-NTFSAuditInheritance: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Disable-Privileges: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Enable-NTFSAuditInheritance: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Enable-Privileges: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-ChildItem2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-DiskSpace: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-FileHash2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-Item2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSAudit: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSEffectiveAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSHardLink: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSInheritance: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSOrphanedAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSOrphanedAudit: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSOwner: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-NTFSSimpleAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Get-Privileges: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Move-Item2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- New-NTFSHardLink: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- New-NTFSSymbolicLink: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Remove-Item2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Remove-NTFSAccess: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Remove-NTFSAudit: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Set-NTFSInheritance: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Set-NTFSOwner: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Test-Path2: Cmdlets/ | |||||
- Contributing: | |||||
- Getting Started: Contributing/ | |||||
- Writing: Contributing/ | |||||
- Style Guide: Contributing/ | |||||
- Markdown Specifics: | |||||
site_name: NTFSSecurity | |||||
theme: readthedocs | |||||
site_author: Raimund Andrée, James Smith | |||||
docs_dir: ./Docs |