/* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Peter Palotas, Jeffrey Jangli, Alexandr Normuradov * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Alphaleonis.Win32 { /// Base class for classes representing a block of unmanaged memory. internal abstract class SafeNativeMemoryBufferHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid { #region Private Fields private int m_capacity; #endregion #region Constructors protected SafeNativeMemoryBufferHandle(bool ownsHandle) : base(ownsHandle) { } /// Initializes a new instance of the specifying the allocated capacity of the memory block. /// The capacity. protected SafeNativeMemoryBufferHandle(int capacity) : this(true) { m_capacity = capacity; } protected SafeNativeMemoryBufferHandle(IntPtr memory, int capacity) : this(capacity) { SetHandle(memory); } #endregion #region Properties /// Gets the capacity. Only valid if this instance was created using a constructor that specifies the size, /// it is not correct if this handle was returned by a native method using p/invoke. /// public int Capacity { get { return m_capacity; } } #endregion #region Public Methods /// Copies data from a one-dimensional, managed 8-bit unsigned integer array to the unmanaged memory pointer referenced by this instance. /// The one-dimensional array to copy from. /// The zero-based index into the array where Copy should start. /// The number of array elements to copy. public void CopyFrom(byte[] source, int startIndex, int length) { Marshal.Copy(source, startIndex, handle, length); } public void CopyFrom(char[] source, int startIndex, int length) { Marshal.Copy(source, startIndex, handle, length); } public void CopyFrom(char[] source, int startIndex, int length, int offset) { Marshal.Copy(source, startIndex, new IntPtr(handle.ToInt64() + offset), length); } /// Copies data from an unmanaged memory pointer to a managed 8-bit unsigned integer array. /// The array to copy to. /// The zero-based index in the destination array where copying should start. /// The number of array elements to copy. public void CopyTo(byte[] destination, int destinationOffset, int length) { if (destination == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("destination"); if (destinationOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("destinationOffset", Resources.Negative_Destination_Offset); if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", Resources.Negative_Length); if (destinationOffset + length > destination.Length) throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Destination_Buffer_Not_Large_Enough); if (length > Capacity) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", Resources.Source_Offset_And_Length_Outside_Bounds); Marshal.Copy(handle, destination, destinationOffset, length); } /// Copies data from this unmanaged memory pointer to a managed 8-bit unsigned integer array. /// The offset in the buffer to start copying from. /// The array to copy to. /// The zero-based index in the destination array where copying should start. /// The number of array elements to copy. public void CopyTo(int sourceOffset, byte[] destination, int destinationOffset, int length) { if (destination == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("destination"); if (destinationOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("destinationOffset", Resources.Negative_Destination_Offset); if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", Resources.Negative_Length); if (destinationOffset + length > destination.Length) throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Destination_Buffer_Not_Large_Enough); if (length > Capacity) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", Resources.Source_Offset_And_Length_Outside_Bounds); Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(handle.ToInt64() + sourceOffset), destination, destinationOffset, length); } public byte[] ToByteArray(int startIndex, int length) { if (IsInvalid) return null; byte[] arr = new byte[length]; Marshal.Copy(handle, arr, startIndex, length); return arr; } #region Write public void WriteInt16(int offset, short value) { Marshal.WriteInt16(handle, offset, value); } public void WriteInt16(int offset, char value) { Marshal.WriteInt16(handle, offset, value); } public void WriteInt16(char value) { Marshal.WriteInt16(handle, value); } public void WriteInt16(short value) { Marshal.WriteInt16(handle, value); } public void WriteInt32(int offset, short value) { Marshal.WriteInt32(handle, offset, value); } public void WriteInt32(int value) { Marshal.WriteInt32(handle, value); } public void WriteInt64(int offset, long value) { Marshal.WriteInt64(handle, offset, value); } public void WriteInt64(long value) { Marshal.WriteInt64(handle, value); } public void WriteByte(int offset, byte value) { Marshal.WriteByte(handle, offset, value); } public void WriteByte(byte value) { Marshal.WriteByte(handle, value); } public void WriteIntPtr(int offset, IntPtr value) { Marshal.WriteIntPtr(handle, offset, value); } public void WriteIntPtr(IntPtr value) { Marshal.WriteIntPtr(handle, value); } #endregion // Write #region Read public byte ReadByte() { return Marshal.ReadByte(handle); } public byte ReadByte(int offset) { return Marshal.ReadByte(handle, offset); } public short ReadInt16() { return Marshal.ReadInt16(handle); } public short ReadInt16(int offset) { return Marshal.ReadInt16(handle, offset); } public int ReadInt32() { return Marshal.ReadInt32(handle); } public int ReadInt32(int offset) { return Marshal.ReadInt32(handle, offset); } public long ReadInt64() { return Marshal.ReadInt64(handle); } public long ReadInt64(int offset) { return Marshal.ReadInt64(handle, offset); } public IntPtr ReadIntPtr() { return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(handle); } public IntPtr ReadIntPtr(int offset) { return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(handle, offset); } #endregion // Read /// Marshals data from a managed object to an unmanaged block of memory. public void StructureToPtr(object structure, bool deleteOld) { Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, handle, deleteOld); } /// Marshals data from an unmanaged block of memory to a newly allocated managed object of the specified type. /// A managed object containing the data pointed to by the ptr parameter. public T PtrToStructure(int offset) { return (T) Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(handle.ToInt64() + offset), typeof (T)); } /// Allocates a managed System.String and copies a specified number of characters from an unmanaged Unicode string into it. /// A managed string that holds a copy of the unmanaged string if the value of the ptr parameter is not null; otherwise, this method returns null. public string PtrToStringUni(int offset, int length) { return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(new IntPtr(handle.ToInt64() + offset), length); } /// Allocates a managed System.String and copies all characters up to the first null character from an unmanaged Unicode string into it. /// A managed string that holds a copy of the unmanaged string if the value of the ptr parameter is not null; otherwise, this method returns null. public string PtrToStringUni() { return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(handle); } #endregion // Public Methods } }