using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Management.Automation; namespace NTFSSecurity { [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "ChildItem2")] [OutputType(typeof(FileInfo), typeof(DirectoryInfo))] public class GetChildItem2 : BaseCmdlet { private string filter = "*"; private SwitchParameter recurse; private SwitchParameter directory; private SwitchParameter file; private System.IO.FileAttributes attributes; private SwitchParameter hidden; private SwitchParameter system; private SwitchParameter readOnly; private SwitchParameter force; private SwitchParameter skipMountPoints; private SwitchParameter skipSymbolicLinks; private bool getFileSystemModeProperty = false; private int? depth; WildcardPattern wildcard = null; System.Reflection.MethodInfo modeMethodInfo = null; [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [Alias("FullName")] public string[] Path { get { return paths.ToArray(); } set { paths.Clear(); paths.AddRange(value); } } [Parameter(Position = 2)] public string Filter { get { return filter; } set { filter = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter Recurse { get { return recurse; } set { recurse = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter Directory { get { return directory; } set { directory = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter File { get { return file; } set { file = value; } } [Parameter] public System.IO.FileAttributes Attributes { get { return attributes; } set { attributes = value; ; } } [Parameter()] public SwitchParameter Hidden { get { return hidden; } set { hidden = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter System { get { return system; } set { system = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter ReadOnly { get { return readOnly; } set { readOnly = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter Force { get { return force; } set { force = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter SkipMountPoints { get { return skipMountPoints; } set { skipMountPoints = value; } } [Parameter] public SwitchParameter SkipSymbolicLinks { get { return skipSymbolicLinks; } set { skipSymbolicLinks = value; } } [Parameter] public int? Depth { get { return depth; } set { depth = value; } } protected override void BeginProcessing() { base.BeginProcessing(); if (paths.Count == 0) { paths = new List() { GetVariableValue("PWD").ToString() }; } wildcard = new WildcardPattern(filter, WildcardOptions.Compiled | WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase); modeMethodInfo = typeof(FileSystemCodeMembers).GetMethod("Mode"); getFileSystemModeProperty = (bool)((Hashtable)MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData)["GetFileSystemModeProperty"]; } protected override void ProcessRecord() { foreach (var path in paths) { DirectoryInfo di = null; try { di = (DirectoryInfo)GetFileSystemInfo2(path); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ex) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex, "FileNotFound", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, path)); continue; } try { WriteFileSystem(di, 0); } catch (PipelineStoppedException ex) { throw ex; } } } private void WriteFileSystem(FileSystemInfo fsi, int currentDepth) { var di = fsi as DirectoryInfo; try { if (di != null) { if (directory) { var files = di.EnumerateDirectories(filter, global::System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); WriteFileSystemInfoCollection(files.GetEnumerator()); } else if (file) { var files = di.EnumerateFiles(filter, global::System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); WriteFileSystemInfoCollection(files.GetEnumerator()); } else { var files = di.EnumerateFileSystemInfos(filter, global::System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); WriteFileSystemInfoCollection(files.GetEnumerator()); } } if (recurse) { try { var subDis = di.EnumerateDirectories("*", global::System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); var subDisEnumerator = subDis.GetEnumerator(); foreach (var subDi in subDis) { //if ((subDi.Attributes & global::System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) == global::System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden & !hidden) // continue; subDi.RefreshEntryInfo(); if (subDi.EntryInfo.IsMountPoint && skipMountPoints) { continue; } if (subDi.EntryInfo.IsSymbolicLink && skipSymbolicLinks) { continue; } if (depth.HasValue) { if (currentDepth < depth) WriteFileSystem(subDi, currentDepth + 1); } else WriteFileSystem(subDi, 0); } } catch (PipelineStoppedException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception) { WriteVerbose(string.Format("Cannot access folder '{0}' for recursive operation", di)); } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex, "DirUnauthorizedAccessError", ErrorCategory.PermissionDenied, di.FullName)); } catch (PipelineStoppedException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { //System.Management.Automation.BreakException or System.Management.Automation.ContinueException cannot be caught due to its protection level in PowerShell v2 if (ex.GetType().FullName == "System.Management.Automation.BreakException" | ex.GetType().FullName == "System.Management.Automation.ContinueException") { throw ex; } WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex, "DirUnspecifiedError", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, di.FullName)); } } protected void WriteFileSystemInfoCollection(IEnumerator fileSystemInfos) { while (fileSystemInfos.MoveNext()) { FileSystemInfo current = (FileSystemInfo)fileSystemInfos.Current; if (!wildcard.IsMatch(current.Name)) { continue; } var writeItem = force.ToBool(); if (MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Attributes")) { if ((current.Attributes & attributes) != attributes) continue; writeItem = true; } else { if (hidden) force = true; if ((current.Attributes & global::System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) != global::System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) writeItem = true; if (hidden) if ((current.Attributes & global::System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) != global::System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) writeItem = false; if (system) if ((current.Attributes & global::System.IO.FileAttributes.System) != global::System.IO.FileAttributes.System) writeItem = false; if (readOnly) if ((current.Attributes & global::System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != global::System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly) writeItem = false; } if (writeItem) { PSObject item; if (current is FileInfo) { item = new PSObject((FileInfo)current); } else { item = new PSObject((DirectoryInfo)current); } //can be disabled for a better performance in the PSD1 file, PrivateData section, GetFileSystemModeProperty = $true / $false if (getFileSystemModeProperty) item.Properties.Add(new PSCodeProperty("Mode", modeMethodInfo)); WriteObject(item); } } } protected override void EndProcessing() { base.EndProcessing(); } } }