# Contributing to PowerShell Documentation Thank you for your interest in NTFSAccess documentation! See below for details on how you can contribute to our technical documentation. > For general information about getting started with Git and GitHub, see [GitHub Help][git-help]. ## Providing feedback on NTFSAccess documentation Report errors, suggest changes, or request new topics by [creating an issue][new-issue] on the [NTFSAccess-Docs repository issues page][doc-issues]. ## Making minor edits to existing topics To [edit an existing file][edit-file], navigate to it and click the "Edit" button. GitHub will automatically create your own fork of our repository where you can make your changes. Once you are finished, save your edits and submit a [pull request][pull] to the *staging* branch of the [NTFSAccess-Docs][docs-repo] repository. After your pull request is created, someone on the NTFSAccess documentation team reviews your changes before merging them into the *staging* branch. ## Making major edits to existing topics If you are making significant changes, adding or changing images, or contributing a new article, you need to create a GitHub fork and clone it to your computer. A fork is a GitHub-based replica of the main repository, under your GitHub account, that provides you with a working copy which you can use in isolation. You create pull requests from your fork. Similarly, a clone is a local-based replica of the repository which, in this case, is a clone of your fork. The clone allows you to work on Git repositories offline, and using more powerful native software/tools. Here is the workflow for making major edits to existing documentation: 1. [Create a fork][fork] of the [NTFSAccess-Docs][docs-repo] repository. 2. [Create a clone of your fork][clone] on your local computer. 3. Create a new local branch in your cloned repository. 4. Make changes to the file(s) you want to update in a Markdown editor. 5. [Push your local branch][push] to your fork. 6. [Create a pull request][pull] to the *staging* branch of the [NTFSAccess-Docs][docs-repo] repository. ## Next steps See [Writing PowerShell documentation](02-Writing.md). [git-help]: https://help.github.com/ [new-issue]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-issue/ [doc-issues]: https://github.com/Sup3rlativ3/NTFSAccess/issues [edit-file]: https://help.github.com/articles/editing-files-in-another-user-s-repository/ [docs-repo]: https://github.com/Sup3rlativ3/NTFSAccess [fork]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ [clone]: https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/ [push]: https://help.github.com/articles/pushing-to-a-remote/ [pull]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/