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Xerbo 5 lat temu
21 zmienionych plików z 649 dodań i 646 usunięć
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.gitignore Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Created by
# Edit at

# Object files

# Linker output

# Precompiled Headers

# Libraries

# Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)

# Executables

# Debug files

# Program specifics

# VSCode

+ 7
- 7
Makefile Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
OBJS= main.o image.o dsp.o filter.o reg.o fcolor.o
CC = gcc
BIN = /usr/bin
OBJS = main.o image.o dsp.o filter.o reg.o fcolor.o

aptdec: $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) -lm -lsndfile -lpng

main.o: main.c version.h temppalette.h gvipalette.h offsets.h
main.o: main.c temppalette.h gvipalette.h offsets.h messages.h
dsp.o: dsp.c filtercoeff.h filter.h
filter.o: filter.c filter.h
image.o: image.c satcal.h offsets.h
image.o: image.c satcal.h offsets.h messages.h
fcolor.o: fcolor.c offsets.h


+ 0
- 79
README Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@

ATPDEC README (Thierry Leconte F4DWV (c) 2004-2009)


Atpdec is an open source program that decodes images transmitted by POES
NOAA weather satellite series.
These satellites transmit continuously, among other things, medium
resolution images of the earth on 137Mhz.
These transmissions could be easily received with an inexpensive antenna
and dedicated receiver.
Output from such a receiver, is an audio signal that could be recorded
into a soundfile with any soundcard.

Atpdec will convert these sounfiles into .png images.

For each soundfile up to 6 images could be generated :

1. Raw image : contains the 2 transmitted channel images + telemetry
and synchro pulses.
2. Calibrated channel A image
3. Calibrated channel B image
4. Temperature compensed I.R image
5. False color image

Input soundfiles must be mono signal sampled at 11025 Hz.
Atpdec use libsndfile to read soundfile, so any sound file format supported by libsndfile
could be read.(Only tested with .wav file).


Atpdec is written in plain standart C and must be very portable.
It was only tested on Linux Fedora , but must work on any Unix platform.
Just adapt the Makefile and type make (sorry no configure).

atpdec use libsndfile, libpng and libm.
snd.h and png.h header must be present on your system.
If they are not on standard path, edit the include path in the Makefile.


atpdec [options] soundfiles ...


-i [r|a|b|c|t]
Toggle raw (r) , channel A (a) , channel B (b) , false color (c) ,
or temperature (t) output.
Default : "ac"

-d directory
Optional images destination directory.
Default : soundfile directory.

-s n
Satellite number 15 to 19
Used for Temperature compensation.
Default : NOAA-19

-c conf_file
Use configuration file for false color generation.
Default : Internal parameters.


Generated image are in png format, 8bits greyscale for raw and channel A|B images,
24bits RVB for false color.

Image names are soundfilename-x.png, where x is :
-r for raw images
-satellite instrument number (1,2,3A,3B,4,5) for channel A|B images
-c for false colors.


atpdec -d image -i ac *.wav

Will process all .wav files in the current directory, generate only channel A and false color images and put them in the image directory.

+ 50
- 32 Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
# Aptdec
![Aptdec logo](textlogo.png)

Thierry Leconte F4DWV (c) 2004-2009

## Description

Aptec is an FOSS program that decodes images transmitted by POES NOAA weather satellites.
These satellites transmit continuously (among other things), medium resolution (1px/4km) images of the earth on 137 MHz.
These transmissions could be easily received with an simple antenna and cheap SDR.
Then the transimssion can easily be decoded in narrow band FM mode.
Aptdec is an FOSS program that decodes images transmitted by NOAA weather satellites. These satellites transmit continuously (among other things), medium resolution (1px/4km) images of the earth on 137 MHz.
These transmissions could be easily received with an simple antenna and cheap SDR. Then the transmission can easily be decoded in narrow band FM mode.

Aptdec can convert these recordings into .png images.
Aptdec can convert these audio files into .png images.

For each recording up to 6 images can be generated:
For each audio file up to 6 images can be generated:

1. Raw image: contains the 2 transmitted channel images + telemetry
and synchronisation pulses.
1. Raw image: contains the 2 transmitted channel images + telemetry and synchronization pulses.
2. Calibrated channel A image
3. Calibrated channel B image
4. Temperature compensated I.R image
4. Temperature compensated IR image
5. False color image
6. Layered image, boosts cloud visibility

Input recordings must be mono with a sample rate of 11025 Hz.
Aptdec uses `libsndfile` to read the input recording, so any format supported by `libsndfile` may be used (only tested with .wav files).
The input audio file must be mono with a sample rate in the range of 4160-62400 Hz, lower samples rates will process faster.
Aptdec uses `libsndfile` to read the input audio, so any format supported by `libsndfile` may be used (however it has only tested with `.wav` files).

## Compilation

Aptdec is written is portable since it is written in standard C.
It has only tested on Fedora and Debian, but will work on any Unix platform.
Just edit the Makefile and run `make` (no configure script as of now).
Aptdec is portable since it is written in standard C.
It has successfully compiled and ran on Debian with both `gcc` and `clang` and will most likely work on any Unix platform.
Just edit the Makefile and run `make` (no configure script as of right now).

Aptdec uses `libsndfile`, `libpng` and `libm`.
The `snd.h` and `png.h` headers must be present on your system.
@@ -35,55 +33,75 @@ If they are not on standard path, edit the include path in the Makefile.

## Usage

To compile

To run without installing
`./Aptdec [options] recordings ...`
`./aptdec [options] audio files...`

To install
`sudo make install`

To run once installed
`aptdec [options] audio files...`

To uninstall
`sudo make uninstall`

To run once installed
`Aptdec [options] recordings ...`

## Options

-i [r|a|b|c|t]
Toggle raw (r), channel A (a), channel B (b), false color (c),
or temperature (t) output.
Default: ac
-i [r|a|b|c|t|l]
Output image type
Raw (r), Channel A (a), Channel B (b), False Color (c), Temperature (t), Layered (l)
Default: ab

-d <dir>
Optional images destination directory.
Default: Recording directory.
Images destination directory (optional).
Default: Current directory

-s [15|16|17|18|19]
Satellite number
For temperature and false color generation
Default: 19

-e [c|t]
Contrast (c) or Crop Telemetry (t)
Defaults: ct

-c <file>
Use configuration file for false color generation.
Default: Internal parameters.
Default: Internal parameters

## Output

Generated images are outputted in PNG, 8 bit greyscale for raw and channel A|B images, 24 bit RGB for false color.

Image names are `recordingname-x.png`, where `x` is:
Image names are `audiofile-x.png`, where `x` is:

- `r` for raw images
- Sensor ID (1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5) for channel A|B images
- `c` for false color.
- `t` for temperature calibrated images
- `l` for layered images

Currently there are 2 available enchancements:

- r for raw images
- satellite instrument number (1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5) for channel A|B images
- c for false colors.
- `c` for contrast enhancements, on by default
- `t` for crop telemetry, on by default, only has effects on raw images

## Example

`Aptdec -d images -i ac *.wav`
`aptdec -d images -i ab *.wav`

This will process all `.wav` files in the current directory, generate contrast enhanced channel A and B images and put them in the `images` directory.

## Further reading

This will process all .wav files in the current directory, generate channel A and false color images and put them in the `images` directory.

## License

+ 90
- 61
dsp.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Aptec
* Aptdec
* Copyright (c) 2004 by Thierry Leconte (F4DWV)
* $Id$
@@ -20,17 +20,25 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* for OS's that don't include it */
#define M_PI 3.1415926535 // For OS's that don't include it
#include "filter.h"
#include "filtercoeff.h"

* The comments in this file are at best educated guesses.
* I am not a DSP god and can not figure out what a complicated
* math function does just by looking at it.

extern int getsample(float *inbuff, int nb);

#define BLKAMP 1024
// Block size
#define BLKIN 1024

#define Fc 2400.0
@@ -48,10 +56,10 @@ static double FreqLine = 1.0;
static double FreqOsc;
static double K1, K2;

// Check if the input sample rate is correct
int init_dsp(double F) {
if(F > Fi) return (1);
if(F < Fp) return (-1);
if(F > Fi) return(1);
if(F < Fp) return(-1);
Fe = F;

K1 = DFc / Fe;
@@ -61,9 +69,10 @@ int init_dsp(double F) {

/* fast phase estimator */
static inline double Phase(double I,double Q) {
double angle,r;
// Fast phase estimator
// Calculates the phase angle of a signal from a IQ sample
static inline double Phase(double I, double Q) {
double angle, r;
int s;

if(I == 0.0 && Q == 0.0)
@@ -90,68 +99,79 @@ static inline double Phase(double I,double Q) {

// Phase locked loop
// Used to get value from an IQ sample with noise reduction
static double pll(double I, double Q) {
/* pll coeff */
// PLL coefficient
static double PhaseOsc = 0.0;
double Io, Qo;
double Ip, Qp;
double DPhi;

/* quadrature oscillator */
// Quadrature oscillator / reference
Io = cos(PhaseOsc);
Qo = sin(PhaseOsc);

/* phase detector */
// Phase detector
Ip = I * Io + Q * Qo;
Qp = Q * Io - I * Qo;
DPhi = Phase(Ip, Qp);

/* loop filter */
// Loop filter
PhaseOsc += 2.0 * M_PI * (K1 * DPhi + FreqOsc);
if (PhaseOsc > M_PI)
PhaseOsc -= 2.0 * M_PI;
PhaseOsc -= 2.0 * M_PI;
if (PhaseOsc <= -M_PI)
PhaseOsc += 2.0 * M_PI;
PhaseOsc += 2.0 * M_PI;

FreqOsc += K2 * DPhi;
if (FreqOsc > ((Fc + DFc) / Fe))
FreqOsc = (Fc + DFc) / Fe;
FreqOsc = (Fc + DFc) / Fe;
if (FreqOsc < ((Fc - DFc) / Fe))
FreqOsc = (Fc - DFc) / Fe;
FreqOsc = (Fc - DFc) / Fe;

return (Ip);

// Convert audio samples into a pixel
static int getamp(double *ambuff, int nb) {
static float inbuff[BLKIN];
static int idxin=0;
static int nin=0;

int n;
static int idxin = 0;
static int nin = 0;

int n;
for (n = 0; n < nb; n++) {
double I, Q;

// If the amount of samples is small enough to be processed
if (nin < IQFilterLen * 2 + 2) {
// Number of samples read
int res;
memmove(inbuff, &(inbuff[idxin]), nin * sizeof(float));
idxin = 0;
res = getsample(&(inbuff[nin]), BLKIN - nin);
// Read some samples
res = getsample(&(inbuff[nin]), BLKIN - nin);
nin += res;
// If we haven't read any more samples, return how far we got
if (nin < IQFilterLen * 2 + 2)
return (n);

// Process read samples into a brightness value
iqfir(&inbuff[idxin], iqfilter, IQFilterLen, &I, &Q);
ambuff[n] = pll(I, Q);

idxin += 1;
nin -= 1;
return (n);


// Get an entire row of pixels, without alignment
int getpixelv(float *pvbuff, int nb) {
// Amplitude buffer
static double ambuff[BLKAMP];
static int nam = 0;
static int idxam = 0;
@@ -160,7 +180,6 @@ int getpixelv(float *pvbuff, int nb) {
double mult;

mult = (double) Fi / Fe * FreqLine;

m = RSFilterLen / mult + 1;

for (n = 0; n < nb; n++) {
@@ -173,23 +192,24 @@ int getpixelv(float *pvbuff, int nb) {
res = getamp(&(ambuff[nam]), BLKAMP - nam);
nam += res;
if (nam < m)
return (n);

// Denoise
pvbuff[n] = rsfir(&(ambuff[idxam]), rsfilter, RSFilterLen, offset, mult) * mult * 256.0;


shift = ((int) floor((RSMULT - offset) / mult)) + 1;
offset = shift * mult + offset - RSMULT ;
offset = shift * mult + offset - RSMULT;

idxam += shift;
nam -= shift;
return (nb);

// Align this line based off of the synchronisation markers
int getpixelrow(float *pixelv) {
// Create an array for this row
static float pixels[PixelLine + SyncFilterLen];
static int npv = 0;
static int synced = 0;
@@ -205,61 +225,70 @@ int getpixelrow(float *pixelv) {
res = getpixelv(&(pixelv[npv]), SyncFilterLen + 2 - npv);
npv += res;
if (npv < SyncFilterLen + 2)
return (0);

/* test sync */
// Test current synchronisation
ecorr = fir(pixelv, Sync, SyncFilterLen);
corr = fir(&(pixelv[1]), Sync, SyncFilterLen);
lcorr = fir(&(pixelv[2]), Sync, SyncFilterLen);
corr = fir(&(pixelv[1]), Sync, SyncFilterLen - 1);
lcorr = fir(&(pixelv[2]), Sync, SyncFilterLen - 2);
// Calculate the per pixel offset
FreqLine = 1.0+((ecorr-lcorr) / corr / PixelLine / 4.0);
// Maximum acceptable offset
if (corr < 0.75 * max) {
synced = 0;
FreqLine = 1.0;
max = corr;

if (synced < 8) {
int shift, mshift;
int mshift;

if (npv < PixelLine + SyncFilterLen) {
res = getpixelv(&(pixelv[npv]), PixelLine + SyncFilterLen - npv);
npv += res;
if (npv < PixelLine + SyncFilterLen)
return (0);
if (npv < PixelLine + SyncFilterLen) {
res = getpixelv(&(pixelv[npv]), PixelLine + SyncFilterLen - npv);
npv += res;
if (npv < PixelLine + SyncFilterLen)

/* lookup sync start */
mshift = 0;
for (shift = 1; shift < PixelLine; shift++) {
double corr;
// Shift this line until we see the best results
mshift = 0;
for (int shift = 1; shift < PixelLine; shift++) {
double corr;

corr = fir(&(pixelv[shift + 1]), Sync, SyncFilterLen);
if (corr > max) {
mshift = shift;
max = corr;
corr = fir(&(pixelv[shift + 1]), Sync, SyncFilterLen);
if (corr > max) {
mshift = shift;
max = corr;

// Shift memory, shifting this row
if (mshift != 0) {
memmove(pixelv, &(pixelv[mshift]), (npv - mshift) * sizeof(float));
npv -= mshift;
synced = 0;
FreqLine = 1.0;
} else
synced += 1;
if (mshift != 0) {
memmove(pixelv, &(pixelv[mshift]), (npv - mshift) * sizeof(float));
npv -= mshift;
synced = 0;
FreqLine = 1.0;
} else
synced += 1;

// If there are not enough pixels try to grab some more
if (npv < PixelLine) {
res = getpixelv(&(pixelv[npv]), PixelLine - npv);
npv += res;
// If we fail this then exit with 0 (which breaks the loop at main.c:338)
if (npv < PixelLine)
return (0);

// If we're finished reset npv to 0
if (npv == PixelLine) {
npv = 0;
} else {
} else { // Move the pixel build buffer to the output buffer
memmove(pixels, &(pixelv[PixelLine]), (npv - PixelLine) * sizeof(float));
npv -= PixelLine;

return (1);

+ 6
- 12
fcolor.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -104,18 +104,18 @@ void falsecolor(double v, double t, float *r, float *g, float *b) {

if (t > fcinfo.Threshold) {
if (v < fcinfo.Seathreshold) {
/* sea */
// Sea
top = fcinfo.SeaTop, bot = fcinfo.SeaBot;
scv = v / fcinfo.Seathreshold;
sct = (256.0 - t) / (256.0 - fcinfo.Threshold);
} else {
/* ground */
// Ground
top = fcinfo.GroundTop, bot = fcinfo.GroundBot;
scv = (v - fcinfo.Seathreshold) / (fcinfo.Landthreshold - fcinfo.Seathreshold);
sct = (256.0 - t) / (256.0 - fcinfo.Threshold);
} else {
/* clouds */
// Clouds
top = fcinfo.CloudTop, bot = fcinfo.CloudBot;
scv = v / 256.0;
sct = (256.0 - t) / 256.0;
@@ -129,27 +129,21 @@ void falsecolor(double v, double t, float *r, float *g, float *b) {

void Ngvi(float **prow, int nrow) {
int n;

printf("GVI... ");

for (n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
for (int n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
float *pixelv;
int i;

pixelv = prow[n];
for (i = 0; i < CH_WIDTH; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < CH_WIDTH; i++) {
float pv;
double gvi;

gvi = (pixelv[i + CHA_OFFSET] - pixelv[i + CHB_OFFSET]) / (pixelv[i + CHA_OFFSET] + pixelv[i + CHB_OFFSET]);

pv = (gvi + 0.1) * 340.0;
if (pv > 255.0)
pv = 255.0;
if (pv < 0.0)
pv = 0.0;
pv = CLIP(pv, 0, 255);

pixelv[i + CHB_OFFSET] = pv;

+ 14
- 13
filter.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Aptec
* Aptdec
* Copyright (c) 2004 by Thierry Leconte (F4DWV)
* $Id$
@@ -22,37 +22,39 @@
#include "filter.h"
#include <math.h>

// Sum of a matrix multiplication of 2 arrays
float fir(float *buff, const float *coeff, const int len) {
int i;
double r;

r = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r += buff[i] * coeff[i];
return r;

// Create an IQ sample from a sample buffer
void iqfir(float *buff, const float *coeff, const int len, double *I, double *Q) {
int k;
double i, q;

i = q = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {
q += buff[2*k] * coeff[k];
// Average out the I samples, which gives us the DC offset
i += buff[2*k];
i= buff[len-1] - i / len;
*I=i, *Q=q;
// Grab the peak value of the wave and subtract the DC offset
i = buff[len-1] - (i / len);
*I = i, *Q = q;

// Denoise, I don't know how it works, but it does
float rsfir(double *buff, const float *coeff, const int len, const double offset, const double delta) {
int i;
double n;
double out;

out = 0.0;
for (i = 0, n = offset; i < (len-1)/delta-1; n += delta, i++) {
double n = offset;
for (int i = 0; i < (len-1)/delta-1; n += delta, i++) {
int k;
double alpha;

@@ -60,6 +62,5 @@ float rsfir(double *buff, const float *coeff, const int len, const double offset
alpha = n - k;
out += buff[i] * (coeff[k] * (1.0 - alpha) + coeff[k + 1] * alpha);
return out;

+ 1
- 1
filter.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Aptec
* Aptdec
* Copyright (c) 2003 by Thierry Leconte (F4DWV)
* $Id$

+ 4
- 5
filtercoeff.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Aptec
* Aptdec
* Copyright (c) 2003 by Thierry Leconte (F4DWV)
* $Id$
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ const float iqfilter[IQFilterLen] = { 0.0205361, 0.0219524, 0.0235785, 0.0254648
-0.63662, -0.212207, -0.127324, -0.0909457, -0.0707355, -0.0578745, -0.0489708, -0.0424413, -0.0374482,
-0.0335063, -0.0303152, -0.0276791, -0.0254648, -0.0235785, -0.0219524, -0.0205361 };

// Length of Sync
#define SyncFilterLen 32
// Pattern of a NOAA sync line
const float Sync[SyncFilterLen] = { -14, -14, -14, 18, 18, -14, -14, 18, 18, -14, -14, 18, 18, -14, -14,
18, 18, -14, -14, 18, 18, -14, -14, 18, 18, -14, -14, 18, 18, -14, -14, -14 };

@@ -95,6 +96,4 @@ const float rsfilter[RSFilterLen] = { -3.37279e-04, -8.80292e-06, -3.96418e-04,
-6.46202e-04, -8.02450e-04, -9.64235e-04, -1.08660e-03, -1.15302e-03, -1.23904e-03, -1.20955e-03,
-1.26937e-03, -1.15443e-03, -1.19836e-03, -1.01377e-03, -1.05669e-03, -8.15327e-04, -8.79730e-04,
-5.93148e-04, -6.95337e-04, -3.75376e-04, -5.27511e-04, -1.78544e-04, -3.96418e-04, -8.80292e-06,
-3.37279e-04 };

-3.37279e-04 };

+ 1
- 1
gvipalette.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
unsigned char GviPalette[256*3] = {
unsigned char GviPalette[256*3] = {

+ 87
- 68
image.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Aptec
* Aptdec
* Copyright (c) 2004 by Thierry Leconte (F4DWV)
* $Id$
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <math.h>

#include "offsets.h"
#include "messages.h"

#define REGORDER 3
typedef struct {
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ typedef struct {
} rgparam;

static void rgcomp(double x[16], rgparam * rgpr) {
/*{ 0.106,0.215,0.324,0.433,0.542,0.652,0.78,0.87 ,0.0 }; */
//const double y[9] = { 0.106, 0.215, 0.324, 0.433, 0.542, 0.652, 0.78, 0.87, 0.0 };
const double y[9] = { 31.07, 63.02, 94.96, 126.9, 158.86, 191.1, 228.62, 255.0, 0.0 };
extern void polyreg(const int m, const int n, const double x[], const double y[], double c[]);

@@ -48,15 +49,53 @@ static double rgcal(float x, rgparam * rgpr) {
y += rgpr->cf[i] * p;
p = p * x;
return (y);

static double tele[16];
static double Cs;
static int nbtele;

int Calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset) {
// Contrast enchance
void equalise(float **prow, int nrow, int offset, int telestart, rgparam regr[30]){
for (int n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
float *pixelv;
int i;

pixelv = prow[n];
for (i = 0; i < CH_WIDTH; i++) {
float pv;
int k, kof;

pv = pixelv[i + offset];

k = (n - telestart) / 128;
if (k >= nbtele)
k = nbtele - 1;
kof = (n - telestart) % 128;

if (kof < 64) {
if (k < 1) {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k]));
} else {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k])) * (64 + kof) / 128.0 + rgcal(pv, &(regr[k - 1])) * (64 - kof) / 128.0;
} else {
if ((k + 1) >= nbtele) {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k]));
} else {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k])) * (192 - kof) / 128.0 + rgcal(pv, &(regr[k + 1])) * (kof - 64) / 128.0;

pv = CLIP(pv, 0, 255);
pixelv[i + offset] = pv;

// Get telemetry data for thermal calibration
int calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset, int contrastBoost) {
double teleline[3000];
double wedge[16];
rgparam regr[30];
@@ -66,58 +105,77 @@ int Calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset) {
int channel = -1;
float max;

printf("Calibration... ");

/* build telemetry values lines */
// Extract telemetry data, for a single pixel row
for (n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
int i;

teleline[n] = 0.0;
// Average the 40 center pixels from the telemetry block
for (i = 3; i < 43; i++) {
teleline[n] += prow[n][i + offset + CH_WIDTH];
// Compute the average
teleline[n] /= 40.0;

// A good minimum amount of pixels to find the telemetry start
if (nrow < 192) {
fprintf(stderr, " not possible, not enough rows!\n");
return (0);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_TELE_ROW);

/* find telemetry start in the 2nd third */
// Find the biggest contrast in the telemetry
max = 0.0;
mtelestart = 0;

// Only check the center of the image, where the signal is most likely strongest
for (n = nrow / 3 - 64; n < 2 * nrow / 3 - 64; n++) {
float df;

// Calculate the contrast, in other words
// (sum 4px below) / (sum 4px above)
df = (teleline[n - 4] + teleline[n - 3] + teleline[n - 2] +
teleline[n - 1]) / (teleline[n] + teleline[n + 1] +
teleline[n + 2] + teleline[n + 3]);
// Find the biggest contrast
if (df > max) {
mtelestart = n;
max = df;

mtelestart -= 64;
telestart = mtelestart % 128;
// Calculate relative offset
telestart = (mtelestart - 64) % 128;

// If we cannot find the start of the telemetry or if there is not enough of it
if (mtelestart < 0 || nrow < telestart + 128) {
fprintf(stderr, " impossible, not enough row\n");
return (0);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_TELE_ROW);

/* compute wedges and regression */
/* Compute wedges and regression
* This loop loops every 128 pixels after the relative telemetry start.
* Gets the values of where the wedges should be and then feeds into a
* regression algorithm which calculates the amount of noise on the
* telemetry.
* It then finds the part of the telemetry data with the least noise and
* turns it into digital values.
for (n = telestart, k = 0; n < nrow - 128; n += 128, k++) {
int j;

// Loop through the 16 wedges
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
int i;

wedge[j] = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++)
wedge[j] += teleline[n + j * 8 + i];
// Center 6 pixels
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++){
wedge[j] += teleline[(j * 8) + n + i];
// Average
wedge[j] /= 6;

@@ -126,12 +184,12 @@ int Calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset) {
if (k == nrow / 256) {
int i, l;

/* telemetry calibration */
// Telemetry calibration
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
tele[j] = rgcal(wedge[j], &(regr[k]));

/* channel ID */
// Channel ID
for (j = 0, max = 10000.0, channel = -1; j < 6; j++) {
float df;

@@ -162,49 +220,13 @@ int Calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset) {
nbtele = k;

/* calibrate */
for (n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
float *pixelv;
int i;

pixelv = prow[n];
for (i = 0; i < CH_WIDTH; i++) {
float pv;
int k, kof;

pv = pixelv[i + offset];

k = (n - telestart) / 128;
if (k >= nbtele)
k = nbtele - 1;
kof = (n - telestart) % 128;

if (kof < 64) {
if (k < 1) {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k]));
} else {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k])) * (64 + kof) / 128.0 + rgcal(pv, &(regr[k - 1])) * (64 - kof) / 128.0;
} else {
if ((k + 1) >= nbtele) {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k]));
} else {
pv = rgcal(pv, &(regr[k])) * (192 - kof) / 128.0 + rgcal(pv, &(regr[k + 1])) * (kof - 64) / 128.0;
// Image contrast
if(contrastBoost) equalise(prow, nrow, offset, telestart, regr);

if (pv > 255.0)
pv = 255.0;
if (pv < 0.0)
pv = 0.0;
pixelv[i + offset] = pv;
return (channel + 1);
return(channel + 1);

/* ------------------------------temperature calibration -----------------------*/
// --- Temperature Calibration --- //
extern int satnum;
#include "satcal.h"

@@ -241,7 +263,7 @@ static void tempcomp(double t[16], int ch, tempparam * tpr) {

/* compute radiance Black body */
C = satcal[satnum].rad[tpr->ch].vc;
tpr->Nbb = c1 * C * C * C / (exp(c2 * C / Tbb) - 1.0);
tpr->Nbb = c1 * C * C * C / (expm1(c2 * C / Tbb));

/* store Count Blackbody and space */
tpr->Cs = Cs * 4.0;
@@ -261,13 +283,13 @@ static double tempcal(float Ce, tempparam * rgpr) {
Ne = Nl + Nc;

vc = satcal[satnum].rad[rgpr->ch].vc;
T = c2 * vc / log(c1 * vc * vc * vc / Ne + 1.0);
T = c2 * vc / log1p(c1 * vc * vc * vc / Ne);
T = (T - satcal[satnum].rad[rgpr->ch].A) / satcal[satnum].rad[rgpr->ch].B;

/* rescale to range 0-255 for -60 +40 'C */
T = (T - 273.15 + 60.0) / 100.0 * 256.0;

return (T);

void Temperature(float **prow, int nrow, int channel, int offset) {
@@ -289,10 +311,7 @@ void Temperature(float **prow, int nrow, int channel, int offset) {

pv = tempcal(pixelv[i + offset], &temp);

if (pv > 255.0)
pv = 255.0;
if (pv < 0.0)
pv = 0.0;
pv = CLIP(pv, 0, 255);
pixelv[i + offset] = pv;

+ 222
- 126
main.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -25,16 +25,12 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>

#ifdef WIN32
#include "w32util.h"
#include <libgen.h>

#include <sndfile.h>
#include <png.h>

#include "version.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "offsets.h"

#include "temppalette.h"
@@ -49,70 +45,74 @@ static int initsnd(char *filename) {
SF_INFO infwav;
int res;

/* open wav input file */
// Open audio file
infwav.format = 0;
inwav = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &infwav);
if (inwav == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for reading\n", filename);
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_FILE_READ, filename);

res = init_dsp(infwav.samplerate);
printf("Input file: %s\n", filename);
if(res < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sample rate too low: %d\n", infwav.samplerate);
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, "Input sample rate too low: %d\n", infwav.samplerate);
}else if(res > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Input sample rate too high: %d\n", infwav.samplerate);
if(res > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Sample rate too hight: %d\n", infwav.samplerate);
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, "Sample rate: %d\n", infwav.samplerate);
printf("Input sample rate: %d\n", infwav.samplerate);

if (infwav.channels != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Too many channels in input file: %d\n", infwav.channels);
return (1);

return (0);

// Get a sample from the wave file
int getsample(float *sample, int nb) {
return (sf_read_float(inwav, sample, nb));
return(sf_read_float(inwav, sample, nb));

static png_text text_ptr[] = {
{PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE, "Software", version, sizeof(version)},
{PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE, "Description", "NOAA POES satellite image", 25}
{PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE, "Description", "NOAA satellite image", 20}

static int ImageOut(char *filename, char *chid, float **prow, int nrow, int width, int offset, png_color *palette) {
static int ImageOut(char *filename, char *chid, float **prow, int nrow, int width, int offset, png_color *palette, int croptele, int layered) {
FILE *pngfile;
png_infop info_ptr;
png_structp png_ptr;
int n;

/* init png lib */
// Reduce the width of the image to componsate for the missing telemetry
if(croptele) width -= TOTAL_TELE;

// Initalise the PNG writer
png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!png_ptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create a PNG write struct\n");
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_PNG_WRITE);

// Metadata
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (!info_ptr) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp) NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create a PNG info struct\n");
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_PNG_INFO);

if(palette == NULL) {
/* greyscale */
// Greyscale image
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, nrow,
} else {
/* palette color mage */
// Palleted color image
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, nrow,
@@ -124,57 +124,77 @@ static int ImageOut(char *filename, char *chid, float **prow, int nrow, int widt
png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, text_ptr, 3);
png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr, 4000, 4000, PNG_RESOLUTION_METER);

printf("Writing %s... ", filename);
printf("Writing %s ", filename);
pngfile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (pngfile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for writing\n", filename);
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_FILE_WRITE, filename);
png_init_io(png_ptr, pngfile);
png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

for (n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
for (int n = 0; n < nrow; n++) {
float *pixelv;
png_byte pixel[2*IMG_WIDTH];
int i;

pixelv = prow[n];
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
pixel[i] = pixelv[i + offset];
int f = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
// Skip parts of the image that are telemtry
switch (i) {
case 0:
case CH_WIDTH:
case CH_WIDTH*2:

// Layered image, basically overlay highlights in channel B over channel A
float cloud = CLIP(pixelv[i+CHB_OFFSET]-141, 0, 255)/114*255;
pixel[i] = CLIP(pixelv[i+CHA_OFFSET] + cloud, 0, 255);
pixel[i] = pixelv[i + offset + f];
png_write_row(png_ptr, pixel);

png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return (0);

static int ImageRGBOut(char *filename, float **prow, int nrow) {
FILE *pngfile;
png_infop info_ptr;
png_structp png_ptr;
int n;

extern void falsecolor(double v, double t, float *r, float *g, float *b);

/* init png lib */
// Initalise the PNG writer
png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!png_ptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create a PNG write struct\n");
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_PNG_WRITE);

info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if (!info_ptr) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, (png_infopp) NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create a PNG info struct\n");
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_PNG_WRITE);

png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, CH_WIDTH , nrow ,
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, CH_WIDTH, nrow,

@@ -188,20 +208,19 @@ static int ImageRGBOut(char *filename, float **prow, int nrow) {
pngfile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (pngfile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for writing\n", filename);
return (1);
fprintf(stderr, ERR_FILE_WRITE, filename);
png_init_io(png_ptr, pngfile);
png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

for (n = 0; n < nrow ; n++) {
for (int n = 0; n < nrow ; n++) {
png_color pix[CH_WIDTH];
float *pixelc;
int i;
float *pixelc;

pixelc = prow[n];

for (i = 0; i < CH_WIDTH - 1; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < CH_WIDTH - 1; i++) {
float v, t;
float r, g, b;

@@ -220,11 +239,11 @@ static int ImageRGBOut(char *filename, float **prow, int nrow) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return (0);

static void Distrib(char *filename,float **prow,int nrow) {
// Distribution of values between Channel A and Channel B
static void Distrib(char *filename, float **prow, int nrow) {
unsigned int distrib[256][256];
int n;
int x, y;
@@ -253,152 +272,229 @@ static void Distrib(char *filename,float **prow,int nrow) {

fprintf(df,"P2\n#max %d\n",max);
fprintf(df,"256 256\n255\n");
for(y = 0; y < 256; y++)
for(x = 0; x < 256; x++)
fprintf(df, "%d\n", (int)((255.0 * (double)(distrib[y][x])) / (double)max));

extern int Calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset);
extern int calibrate(float **prow, int nrow, int offset, int contrastBoost);
extern void Temperature(float **prow, int nrow, int ch, int offset);
extern int Ngvi(float **prow, int nrow);
extern void readfconf(char *file);
extern int optind, opterr;
extern int optind;
extern char *optarg;

// Default to NOAA 19
int satnum = 4;

static void usage(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "Aptdec [options] recordings ...\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n -i [r|a|b|c|t] Output image type\n r: Raw\n a: A channel\n b: B channel\n c: False color\n t: Temperature\n -d <dir> Image destination directory.\n -s [15|16|17|18|19] Satellite number\n -c <file> False color config file\n");
printf("Aptdec [options] audio files ...\n"
" -e [c|t] Enhancements\n"
" c: Contrast enhance\n"
" t: Crop telemetry\n"
" -i [r|a|b|c|t] Output image type\n"
" r: Raw\n"
" a: A channel\n"
" b: B channel\n"
" c: False color\n"
" t: Temperature\n"
" l: Layered\n"
" -d <dir> Image destination directory.\n"
" -s [15-19] Satellite number\n"
" -c <file> False color config file\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char pngfilename[1024];
char name[1024];
char pngdirname[1024] = "";
char imgopt[20] = "ac";
char name[500];
char pngdirname[500] = "";

// Images to create, default to a channel A and channel B image with contrast enhancement and cropped telemetry
char imgopt[20] = "ab";
char enchancements[20] = "ct";

// Image buffer
float *prow[3000];
char *chid[] = { "?", "1", "2", "3A", "4", "5", "3B" };
int nrow;
int nrow;

// Mapping between wedge value and channel ID
char *chid[] = { "?", "1", "2", "3A", "4", "5", "3B" };
char *chname[] = { "unknown", "visble", "near-infrared", "near-infrared", "thermal-infrared", "thermal-infrared", "thermal-infrared" };
// The active sensor in each channel
int chA, chB;
int c;

printf("%s\n", version);
// Print version
printf("%s\n", VERSION);

opterr = 0;
if(argc == 1){
// Print usage if there are no arguments
if(argc == 1)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:i:s:")) != EOF) {

int c;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:i:s:e:")) != EOF) {
switch (c) {
// Output directory name
case 'd':
strcpy(pngdirname, optarg);
// False color config file
case 'c':
// Output image type
case 'i':
strcpy(imgopt, optarg);
// Satellite number (for calibration)
case 's':
satnum = atoi(optarg)-15;
// Check if it's within the valid range
if (satnum < 0 || satnum > 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid satellite number, must be in the range [15-19]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid satellite number, it must be the range [15-19]\n");
// Enchancements
case 'e':
strcpy(enchancements, optarg);

for (nrow = 0; nrow < 3000; nrow++)
prow[nrow] = NULL;
if(optind == argc){
printf("No audio files provided.\n");

// Pull this in from filtercoeff.h
extern float Sync[32];

// Loop through the provided files
for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
chA = chB = 0;

// Generate output name
strcpy(pngfilename, argv[optind]);
strcpy(name, basename(pngfilename));
strtok(name, ".");
if (pngdirname[0] == '\0') {
strcpy(pngfilename, argv[optind]);
if (pngdirname[0] == '\0')
strcpy(pngdirname, dirname(pngfilename));

/* open snd input */
if (initsnd(argv[optind]))
// Open sound file, exit if that fails
if (initsnd(argv[optind]) == 0)

/* main loop */
printf("Decoding: %s \n", argv[optind]);
// Main image building loop
for (nrow = 0; nrow < 3000; nrow++) {
if (prow[nrow] == NULL)
// Allocate 2150 floats worth of memory for every line of the image
prow[nrow] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 2150);
// Read into prow and break the loop once we reach the end of the image
if (getpixelrow(prow[nrow]) == 0)

// Signal level
double signal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) signal += prow[nrow][i] - Sync[i];
printf("%d\r", nrow);
// Signal level bar
char bar[30];
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
bar[i] = ' ';
if(i < signal/2000*30) bar[i] = '#';

printf("Row: %d, Signal Strength: %s\r", nrow, bar);
printf("\nTotal rows: %d\n", nrow);


/* raw image */
if (strchr(imgopt, (int) 'r') != NULL) {
// Layered images require contrast enhancements
int contrastBoost = CONTAINS(enchancements, 'c') || CONTAINS(imgopt, 'l');

chA = calibrate(prow, nrow, CHA_OFFSET, 0);
chB = calibrate(prow, nrow, CHB_OFFSET, 0);
printf("Channel A: %s (%s)\n", chid[chA], chname[chA]);
printf("Channel B: %s (%s)\n", chid[chB], chname[chB]);

// Temperature
if (CONTAINS(imgopt, 't') && chB >= 4) {
Temperature(prow, nrow, chB, CHB_OFFSET);
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-t.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageOut(pngfilename, "Temperature", prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH, CHB_OFFSET, (png_color*)TempPalette, 0, 0);

// We have to run the contrast enhance here because the temperature function requires real data
// Yes, this is bodgy, yes I should replace this with something more elegant
chA = calibrate(prow, nrow, CHA_OFFSET, contrastBoost);
chB = calibrate(prow, nrow, CHB_OFFSET, contrastBoost);

// Layered
if (CONTAINS(imgopt, 'l')){
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-l.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageOut(pngfilename, "Layered", prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH, 0, NULL, 0, 1);

// Raw image
if (CONTAINS(imgopt, 'r')) {
int croptele = CONTAINS(enchancements, 't');
char channelstr[45];
sprintf(channelstr, "%s (%s) & %s (%s)", chid[chA], chname[chA], chid[chB], chname[chB]);

sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-r.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageOut(pngfilename, "raw", prow, nrow, IMG_WIDTH, 0, NULL);
ImageOut(pngfilename, channelstr, prow, nrow, IMG_WIDTH, 0, NULL, croptele, 0);

/* Channel A */
if (((strchr(imgopt, (int) 'a') != NULL)
|| (strchr(imgopt, (int) 'c') != NULL)
|| (strchr(imgopt, (int) 'd') != NULL))) {
chA = Calibrate(prow, nrow, CHA_OFFSET);
if (chA >= 0 && strchr(imgopt, (int) 'a') != NULL) {
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-%s.png", pngdirname, name, chid[chA]);
ImageOut(pngfilename, chid[chA], prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH , CHA_OFFSET, NULL);
// Channel A
if (CONTAINS(imgopt, 'a')) {
char channelstr[21];
sprintf(channelstr, "%s (%s)", chid[chA], chname[chA]);

sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-%s.png", pngdirname, name, chid[chA]);
ImageOut(pngfilename, channelstr, prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH, CHA_OFFSET, NULL, 0, 0);

/* Channel B */
if ((strchr(imgopt, (int) 'b') != NULL)
|| (strchr(imgopt, (int) 'c') != NULL)
|| (strchr(imgopt, (int) 't') != NULL)
|| (strchr(imgopt, (int) 'd') != NULL)) {
chB = Calibrate(prow, nrow, CHB_OFFSET);
if (chB >= 0 && strchr(imgopt, (int) 'b') != NULL) {
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-%s.png", pngdirname, name, chid[chB]);
ImageOut(pngfilename, chid[chB], prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH , CHB_OFFSET ,NULL);
if (chB > 3) {
Temperature(prow, nrow, chB, CHB_OFFSET);
if (strchr(imgopt, (int) 't') != NULL) {
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-t.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageOut(pngfilename, "Temperature", prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH, CHB_OFFSET, (png_color*)TempPalette);
// Channel B
if (CONTAINS(imgopt, 'b')) {
char channelstr[21];
sprintf(channelstr, "%s (%s)", chid[chB], chname[chB]);

sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-%s.png", pngdirname, name, chid[chB]);
ImageOut(pngfilename, channelstr, prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH , CHB_OFFSET, NULL, 0, 0);

/* distribution */
if (chA && chB && strchr(imgopt, (int) 'd') != NULL) {
// Distribution map
if (CONTAINS(imgopt, 'd')) {
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-d.pnm", pngdirname, name);
Distrib(pngfilename, prow, nrow);

/* color image */
if (chA == 2 && chB == 4 && strchr(imgopt, (int) 'c') != NULL) {
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-c.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageRGBOut(pngfilename, prow, nrow);
// False color image
if(CONTAINS(imgopt, 'c')){
if (chA == 2 && chB == 4) { // Normal false color
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-c.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageRGBOut(pngfilename, prow, nrow);
} else if (chA == 1 && chB == 2) { // GVI false color
Ngvi(prow, nrow);
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-c.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageOut(pngfilename, "GVI False Color", prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH, CHB_OFFSET, (png_color*)GviPalette, 0, 0);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Lacking channels required for false color computation.\n");

/* GVI image */
if (chA == 1 && chB == 2 && strchr(imgopt, (int) 'c') != NULL) {
Ngvi(prow, nrow);
sprintf(pngfilename, "%s/%s-c.png", pngdirname, name);
ImageOut(pngfilename, "GVI", prow, nrow, CH_WIDTH, CHB_OFFSET, (png_color*)GviPalette);
// Free the allocated memory
for(int i = 0; i < 3000; i++) free(prow[i]);


+ 6
- 0
messages.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#define ERR_FILE_WRITE "Could not open %s for writing\n"
#define ERR_FILE_READ "Could not open %s for reading\n"
#define ERR_PNG_WRITE "Could not create a PNG write struct\n"
#define ERR_PNG_INFO "Could not create a PNG info struct\n"
#define ERR_TELE_ROW "Telemetry decoding error, not enough rows.\n"
#define VERSION "Aptdec CVS version (c) 2004-2005 Thierry Leconte F4DWV"

+ 4
- 0
offsets.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -6,3 +6,7 @@
#define IMG_WIDTH 2080

#define CLIP(val, bottom, top) (val > top ? top : (val > bottom ? val : bottom))
#define CONTAINS(str, char) (strchr(str, (int) char) != NULL)

+ 10
- 7
reg.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@

#include <math.h>

#define DMAX 5 /* Maximum degree of polynomial */
#define NMAX 10 /* Maximum number of points */
#define DMAX 5 /* Maximum degree of polynomial */
#define NMAX 10 /* Maximum number of points */

static void FactPiv(int N, double A[DMAX][DMAX], double B[], double Cf[]);

void polyreg(const int M, const int N, const double X[], const double Y[], double C[]) {
int R, K, J; /* Loop counters */
double A[DMAX][DMAX]; /* A */
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ void polyreg(const int M, const int N, const double X[], const double Y[], doubl

/* Zero the array */
for (J = 1; J <= 2 * M; J++)
P[J] = 0;
P[J] = 0;
P[0] = N;

/* Compute the sum of powers of x_(K-1) */
@@ -74,9 +76,8 @@ static void FactPiv(int N, double A[DMAX][DMAX], double B[], double Cf[]) {
double SUM, DET = 1.0;
int T;

/* Initialize the pointer vector */
for (J = 0; J < N; J++)
for (J = 0; J < NMAX; J++)
Row[J] = J;

/* Start LU factorization */
@@ -108,13 +109,15 @@ static void FactPiv(int N, double A[DMAX][DMAX], double B[], double Cf[]) {
A[Row[K]][C] -= A[Row[K]][P] * A[Row[P]][C];
} /* End of L*U factorization routine */
/* End of L*U factorization routine */
DET = DET * A[Row[N - 1]][N - 1];

/* Start the forward substitution */
for (K = 0; K < N; K++)
Y[K] = B[K];
Y[0] = B[Row[0]];
Y[0] = B[Row[0]];
for (K = 1; K < N; K++) {
SUM = 0;

+ 93
- 95
satcal.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -6,103 +6,101 @@ const struct {
struct {
float Ns;
float b[3];
} cor[3];
} satcal[] =
/* calibration coeff from NOAA KLM POES satellite user guide */
/* */

{/* NOAA-15 */
{ /* PRT coeff d0,d1,d2 */
{276.60157 , 0.051045 , 1.36328E-06},
{276.62531 , 0.050909 , 1.47266E-06},
{276.67413 , 0.050907 , 1.47656E-06},
{276.59258 , 0.050966 , 1.47656E-06}
{ /* channel radiance coeff vc,A,B*/
{925.4075 , 0.337810 , 0.998719}, /* channel 4 */
{839.8979 , 0.304558 , 0.999024}, /* channel 5 */
{2695.9743 , 1.621256 , 0.998015} /* channel 3B */
{ /* nonlinear radiance correction Ns,b0,b1,b2 */
{-4.50 , {4.76 , -0.0932 , 0.0004524}}, /* channel 4 */
{-3.61 , {3.83 , -0.0659 , 0.0002811}}, /* channel 5*/
{0.0,{0.0,0.0,0.0}} /* channel 3B*/
{/* NOAA-16 */
{ /* PRT coeff d0,d1,d2 */
{276.355 , 5.562E-02 ,-1.590E-05},
{276.142 , 5.605E-02 ,-1.707E-05},
{275.996 , 5.486E-02 ,-1.223E-05},
{276.132 , 5.494E-02 ,-1.344E-05}
{ /* channel radiance coeff vc,A,B*/
{917.2289 ,0.332380 ,0.998522}, /* channel 4 */
{838.1255 ,0.674623 ,0.998363}, /* channel 5 */
{2700.1148 ,1.592459,0.998147} /* channel 3B */
{ /* nonlinear radiance correction Ns,b0,b1,b2 */
{-2.467, {2.96,-0.05411,0.00024532}}, /* channel 4 */
{-2.009,{2.25,-0.03665,0.00014854}}, /* channel 5*/
{0.0,{0.0,0.0,0.0}} /* channel 3B*/
{/* NOAA 17 */
{ /* PRT coeff d0,d1,d2 */
{276.628 , 0.05098 , 1.371e-06},
{276.538 , 0.05098 , 1.371e-06},
{276.761 , 0.05097 , 1.369e-06},
{276.660 , 0.05100 , 1.348e-06}
{ /* channel radiance coeff vc,A,B*/
{926.2947 , 0.271683 , 0.998794}, /* channel 4 */
{839.8246 , 0.309180 , 0.999012}, /* channel 5 */
{2669.3554 , 1.702380 , 0.997378} /* channel 3B */
{ /* nonlinear radiance correction Ns,b0,b1,b2 */
{-8.55 , {8.22 , -0.15795 , 0.00075579}}, /* channel 4 */
{-3.97 , {4.31 , -0.07318 , 0.00030976}}, /* channel 5 */
{0.0,{0.0,0.0,0.0}} /* channel 3B*/
{/* NOAA 18 */
{ /* PRT coeff d0,d1,d2 */
{276.601 , 0.05090 , 1.657e-06},
{276.683 , 0.05101 , 1.482e-06},
{276.565 , 0.05117 , 1.313e-06},
{276.615 , 0.05103 , 1.484e-06}
{ /* channel radiance coeff vc,A,B*/
{928.1460 , 0.436645 , 0.998607}, /* channel 4 */
{833.2532 , 0.253179 , 0.999057}, /* channel 5 */
{2659.7952 , 1.698704 , 0.996960} /* channel 3B */
} cor[3];
/* Calibration corficcients taken from the NOAA KLM satellite user guide
} satcal[] = {
{ // NOAA 15
{ // PRT coefficient d0, d1, d2
{276.60157, 0.051045, 1.36328E-06},
{276.62531, 0.050909, 1.47266E-06},
{276.67413, 0.050907, 1.47656E-06},
{276.59258, 0.050966, 1.47656E-06}
{ // Channel radiance coefficient vc, A, B
{925.4075, 0.337810, 0.998719}, // Channel 4
{839.8979, 0.304558, 0.999024}, // Channel 5
{2695.9743, 1.621256, 0.998015} // Channel 3B
{ // Nonlinear radiance correction Ns, b0, b1, b2
{-4.50, {4.76, -0.0932, 0.0004524}}, // Channel 4
{-3.61, {3.83, -0.0659, 0.0002811}}, // Channel 5
{0.0, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}} // Channel 3B
{ /* nonlinear radiance correction Ns,b0,b1,b2 */
{-5.53 , {5.82 , -0.11069 , 0.00052337}}, /* channel 4 */
{-2.22 , {2.67 , -0.04360 , 0.00017715}}, /* channel 5 */
{0.0,{0.0,0.0,0.0}} /* channel 3B*/
{ // NOAA 16
{ // PRT coeff d0, d1, d2
{276.355, 5.562E-02, -1.590E-05},
{276.142, 5.605E-02, -1.707E-05},
{275.996, 5.486E-02, -1.223E-05},
{276.132, 5.494E-02, -1.344E-05}
{ // Channel radiance coefficient vc, A, B
{917.2289, 0.332380, 0.998522}, // Channel 4
{838.1255, 0.674623, 0.998363}, // Channel 5
{2700.1148, 1.592459, 0.998147} // Channel 3B
{ // Nonlinear radiance correction Ns, b0, b1, b2
{-2.467, {2.96, -0.05411, 0.00024532}}, // Channel 4
{-2.009, {2.25, -0.03665, 0.00014854}}, // Channel 5
{0.0, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}} // Channel 3B
{/* NOAA 19 */
{ /* PRT coeff d0,d1,d2 */
{276.6067 , 0.051111 , 1.405783E-06},
{276.6119 , 0.051090 , 1.496037E-06},
{276.6311 , 0.051033 , 1.496990E-06},
{276.6268 , 0.051058 , 1.493110E-06}
{ // NOAA 17
{ // PRT coefficient d0, d1, d2
{276.628, 0.05098, 1.371e-06},
{276.538, 0.05098, 1.371e-06},
{276.761, 0.05097, 1.369e-06},
{276.660, 0.05100, 1.348e-06}
{ // Channel radiance coefficient vc, A, B
{926.2947, 0.271683, 0.998794}, // Channel 4
{839.8246, 0.309180, 0.999012}, // Channel 5
{2669.3554, 1.702380, 0.997378} // Channel 3B
{ // Nonlinear radiance correction Ns, b0, b1, b2
{-8.55, {8.22, -0.15795, 0.00075579}}, // Channel 4
{-3.97, {4.31, -0.07318, 0.00030976}}, // Channel 5
{0.0, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}} // Channel 3B
{ /* channel radiance coeff vc,A,B*/
{928.9 , 0.53959 , 0.998534}, /* channel 4 */
{831.9 , 0.36064 , 0.998913}, /* channel 5 */
{2670.0 , 1.67396 , 0.997364} /* channel 3B */
{ // NOAA 18
{ // PRT coefficient d0, d1, d2
{276.601, 0.05090, 1.657e-06},
{276.683, 0.05101, 1.482e-06},
{276.565, 0.05117, 1.313e-06},
{276.615, 0.05103, 1.484e-06}
{ // Channel radiance coefficient vc, A, B
{928.1460, 0.436645, 0.998607}, // Channel 4
{833.2532, 0.253179, 0.999057}, // Channel 5
{2659.7952, 1.698704, 0.996960} // Channel 3B
{ // Nonlinear radiance correction Ns, b0, b1, b2
{-5.53, {5.82, -0.11069, 0.00052337}}, // Channel 4
{-2.22, {2.67, -0.04360, 0.00017715}}, // Channel 5
{0.0, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}} // Channel 3B
{ /* nonlinear radiance correction Ns,b0,b1,b2 */
{-5.49 , {5.70 -0.11187 , 0.00054668}}, /* channel 4 */
{-3.39 , {3.58 -0.05991 , 0.00024985}}, /* channel 5 */
{0.0,{0.0,0.0,0.0}} /* channel 3B*/
{ // NOAA 19
{ // PRT coefficient d0, d1, d2
{276.6067, 0.051111, 1.405783E-06},
{276.6119, 0.051090, 1.496037E-06},
{276.6311, 0.051033, 1.496990E-06},
{276.6268, 0.051058, 1.493110E-06}
{ // Channel radiance coefficient vc, A, B
{928.9, 0.53959, 0.998534}, // Channel 4
{831.9, 0.36064, 0.998913}, // Channel 5
{2670.0, 1.67396, 0.997364} // Channel 3B
{ // Nonlinear radiance correction Ns, b0, b1, b2
{-5.49, {5.70 -0.11187, 0.00054668}}, // Channel 4
{-3.39, {3.58 -0.05991, 0.00024985}}, // Channel 5
{0.0, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}} // Channel 3B

const float c1=1.1910427e-5;
const float c2=1.4387752;
const float c1 = 1.1910427e-5;
const float c2 = 1.4387752;

+ 1
- 2
temppalette.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
unsigned char TempPalette[256*3] = {
unsigned char TempPalette[256*3] = {
@@ -40,4 +40,3 @@ unsigned char TempPalette[256*3] = {

textlogo.png Wyświetl plik

Przed Po
Szerokość: 926  |  Wysokość: 256  |  Rozmiar: 65 KiB

+ 0
- 2
version.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
char version[] = "Aptec CVS version (c) 2004-2005 Thierry Leconte F4DWV";

+ 0
- 123
w32util.c Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char * basename (const char *filename) {
const char *p = filename + strlen (filename);
while (p != filename) {
if (*p == '/' || *p == '\\')
return ((char *) p + 1);
return ((char *) filename);
char *dirname(const char *path) {
static char bname[1024];
register const char *endp;
/* Empty or NULL string gets treated as "." */
if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') {
(void)strncpy(bname, ".", sizeof bname);
/* Strip trailing slashes */
endp = path + strlen(path) - 1;
while (endp > path && *endp == '\\')
/* Find the start of the dir */
while (endp > path && *endp != '\\')
/* Either the dir is "/" or there are no slashes */
if (endp == path) {
(void)strncpy(bname, *endp == '\\' ? "\\": ".", sizeof bname);
} else {
do {
} while (endp > path && *endp == '\\');
if (endp - path + 2 > sizeof(bname)) {
strncpy(bname, path, endp - path + 2);
int opterr = 1, /* if error message should be printed */
optind = 1, /* index into parent argv vector */
optopt, /* character checked for validity */
optreset; /* reset getopt */
char *optarg; /* argument associated with option */
#define BADCH (int)'?'
#define BADARG (int)':'
#define EMSG ""
* getopt --
* Parse argc/argv argument vector.
int getopt(nargc, nargv, ostr)
int nargc;
char * const *nargv;
const char *ostr;
#define __progname nargv[0]
static char *place = EMSG; /* option letter processing */
char *oli; /* option letter list index */
if (optreset || !*place) { /* update scanning pointer */
optreset = 0;
if (optind >= nargc || *(place = nargv[optind]) != '-') {
place = EMSG;
return (-1);
if (place[1] && *++place == '-') { /* found "--" */
place = EMSG;
return (-1);
} /* option letter okay? */
if ((optopt = (int)*place++) == (int)':' ||
!(oli = strchr(ostr, optopt))) {
* if the user didn't specify '-' as an option,
* assume it means -1.
if (optopt == (int)'-')
return (-1);
if (!*place)
if (opterr && *ostr != ':')
(void)printf("%s: illegal option -- %c\n", __progname, optopt);
return (BADCH);
if (*++oli != ':') { /* don't need argument */
optarg = NULL;
if (!*place)
else { /* need an argument */
if (*place) /* no white space */
optarg = place;
else if (nargc <= ++optind) { /* no arg */
place = EMSG;
if (*ostr == ':')
return (BADARG);
if (opterr)
"%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n",
__progname, optopt);
return (BADCH);
} else /* white space */
optarg = nargv[optind];
place = EMSG;
return (optopt); /* dump back option letter */

+ 0
- 12
w32util.h Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
extern char * basename(const char *filename);
extern char *dirname(const char *path);
extern int opterr, /* if error message should be printed */
optind , /* index into parent argv vector */
optopt, /* character checked for validity */
optreset; /* reset getopt */
extern char *optarg; /* argument associated with option */
extern int getopt(int nargc, char * const *nargv, const char *ostr);
