#!/usr/bin/env bash #A fancy little wget script for downloading Open Directories #preset wget options opt3='-e robots=off -r -nc -np' opt4='-e robots=off -r -nc -np --accept' #Get Current User user="$USER" #default download directory #change as needed downDir="-P /home/$user/Downloads/wgetDump/" #message variables completeMSG="Directory Download Complete!" downDirMSG="Do you want to change the default Download Directory? y|n" dirPath="Please provide the path to the file or directory you would like to download" autoCloseMSG="Do you want the terminal to auto close upon task completion? y|n" fileTypeMSG="Please provide the filetypes you would like to filter seaperated with a ','. (mkv,mp4,jpg,etc)" custDownDirMSG="Please provide your custom Download Directory" #main script start while true; do clear title echo "Please select which options set you would like to pass to wget" echo "" echo " 1: no bots, recur, no clob, no parent" echo " 2: no bots, recur, no clob, no parent + filetypes" echo " 3: exit" #saves choice from above read choice1 #checks if program should exit based off of users input if [ $choice1 == 3 ]; then clear exit elif [[ $choice1 != 1 && $choice1 != 2 && $choice1 != 3 && $choice1 != 4 ]]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: Incorrect Input. Restarting Script!" sleep 1 continue fi #displays download location question echo $downDirMSG #saves choice from download location question read choice2 #if y chosen then asks for new download location if [ $choice2 == "y" ]; then echo $custDownDirMSG #saves new download location read custDir downDir="-P $custDir" fi #forms wget script based off the option picked for choice1 if [ $choice1 == 1 ]; then echo $dirPath read directory wget $opt3 $downDir $directory echo $completeMSG elif [ $choice1 == 2 ]; then #asks for desired filetypes to download seaperated by commas echo $fileTypeMSG read fileTypes echo $dirPath read directory wget $opt4 $fileTypes $downDir $directory echo $completeMSG else echo "" echo "ERROR: Incorrect Input. Restarting Script!" fi done #main script end #end