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  1. ---
  2. layout: default
  3. title: SDRAngel
  4. parent: Software
  5. nav_order: 5
  6. ---
  7. # SDRAngel
  8. {: .no_toc }
  9. ## Table of contents
  10. {: .no_toc .text-delta }
  11. 1. TOC
  12. {:toc}
  13. ---
  14. Signal analyzer front-end software for multiple radios. Can handle TX and RX with MIMO. Multiple signal decoders/encoders are included, for example, SSB, FM, AM, DATV, and many more.
  15. ## Specifications
  16. - Installed Version: 4.12.2
  17. ## Sources
  18. ```
  20. ```
  21. ## Supported Radios
  22. - Airspy HF+ Discovery
  23. - Airspy Mini
  24. - Airspy R2
  25. - LimeNET Micro
  26. - LimeSDR Mini
  27. - LimeSDR USB
  28. - PlutoSDR
  29. - RTL-SDR