--- layout: default title: GQRX parent: Software nav_order: 2 --- # GQRX {: .no_toc } ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta } 1. TOC {:toc} --- Famous signal analyzer front-end software for multiple radios. Radio interface based on the gr-osmocom library. This software can only receive signals. ## Specifications - Installed Version: 2.11.5 ## Sources ``` https://github.com/csete/gqrx ``` ## Supported Radios - Airspy HF+ Discovery - Airspy Mini - Airspy R2 - LimeNET Micro[^1] - LimeSDR Mini[^1] - LimeSDR USB[^1] - PlutoSDR[^1] - RTL-SDR --- [^1]: _Supported via Soapy._