- #!/bin/bash -e
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -d "${ROOTFS_DIR}/home/${FIRST_USER_NAME}/PiSDR/Software/dump1090/"
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 755 targets/enable.sh "${ROOTFS_DIR}/home/${FIRST_USER_NAME}/PiSDR/Software/dump1090/"
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 755 targets/disable.sh "${ROOTFS_DIR}/home/${FIRST_USER_NAME}/PiSDR/Software/dump1090/"
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 755 targets/configure_rbfeeder.sh "${ROOTFS_DIR}/home/${FIRST_USER_NAME}/PiSDR/Software/dump1090/"
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 755 targets/configure_fr24feed.sh "${ROOTFS_DIR}/home/${FIRST_USER_NAME}/PiSDR/Software/dump1090/"
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 755 targets/readsb-set-location "${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/local/bin/"
- install -v -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 755 targets/readsb-gain "${ROOTFS_DIR}/usr/local/bin/"
- on_chroot << EOF
- cd "/home/${FIRST_USER_NAME}/PiSDR/Software/dump1090"
- mkdir -p /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install
- apt-get update
- apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y git build-essential debhelper libusb-1.0-0-dev \
- pkg-config dh-systemd libncurses5-dev lighttpd zlib1g-dev zlib1g unzip
- rm -rf /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install/git
- if ! git clone --branch stale --depth 1 https://github.com/wiedehopf/readsb.git "/usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install/git"
- then
- echo "Unable to git clone the repository"
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -rf /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install/readsb*.deb
- cd /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install/git
- sed -i 's/librtlsdr0, librtlsdr-dev, //g' debian/control
- export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noddebs
- if ! dpkg-buildpackage -b -Prtlsdr -ui -uc -us
- then
- echo "Something went wrong building the debian package, exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Installing the Package"
- if ! dpkg -i ../readsb_*.deb
- then
- echo "Something went wrong installing the debian package, exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Package installed!"
- cp -n debian/lighttpd/* /etc/lighttpd/conf-available
- echo --------------
- cd /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install
- wget -O tar1090-install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/tar1090/master/install.sh
- bash tar1090-install.sh /run/readsb
- if ! systemctl show readsb | grep 'ExecMainStatus=0' -qs; then
- echo --------------
- echo --------------
- journalctl -u readsb | tail -n30
- echo --------------
- echo --------------
- echo "ERROR: readsb service didn't start, if inquiring about the issue please post the above 30 lines of log!"
- echo " common issues: SDR not plugged in."
- echo " the webinterface will show an error until readsb is running!"
- echo --------------
- fi
- echo --------------
- echo "[PiSDR] Disabling services. To enable them, run 'bash enable.sh'."
- systemctl disable --now readsb
- systemctl disable --now tar1090
- systemctl disable --now lighttpd
- echo "[PiSDR] Deleting build files to save space."
- rm -fr /usr/local/share/tar1090/git-db
- rm -fr /usr/local/share/tar1090/git