
make noaa-apt understand the local timezone

Pascal 3年前
  1. +4
  2. +139

+ 4
- 0
install.sh ファイルの表示

@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ else
log_error "Unknown archictecture $(uname -m)!"
exit -1
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/noaa-apt"
cp templates/settings.toml "$HOME/.config/noaa-apt"
log_done "noaa-apt installed"

@@ -343,6 +345,8 @@ sed -i -e "s/change_latitude/${lat}/g;s/change_longitude/${lon}/g;s/pi/${usr}/g"
sed -i -e "s/change_latitude/${lat}/g;s/change_longitude/${lon}/g" "$HOME/.wxtoimgrc"
sed -i -e "s/change_latitude/${lat}/g;s/change_longitude/${lon}/g" "$HOME/.predict/predict.qth"
sed -i -e "s/change_latitude/${lat}/g;s/change_longitude/${lon}/g;s/change_tz/$(echo "$tzoffset * -1" | bc)/g" "sun.py"
sed -i -e "s/change_tz/$tzoffset/g" "$HOME/.config/noaa-apt/settings.toml"
sed -i -e "s/change_tz/$tzoffset/g" "sun.py"

success "Install done! Double check your $HOME/.noaa.conf settings"

+ 139
- 0
templates/settings.toml ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# noaa-apt settings

# Settings file version, newer noaa-apt releases will require more fields and
# variables
version = 3

check_updates = true


# Prefer reading recording times from file modification timestamps instead of
# looking at the date and time on the filename. If the filename format is not
# recognised, timestamps are going to be used anyways. In this case the inferred
# satellite will be always NOAA 19 and you will have to indicate it otherwise.
prefer_timestamps = false

# Supported filenames. Indicate where years, hours, etc. are located on the
# filename, used to detemine recording time and satellite received from
# filename. The program will compare the loaded WAV filename against each one of
# these formats until it finds a match, if no match is found, the time will be
# loaded from the file modification timestamp and the sat will be NOAA 19. If
# some date/time value is missing, the current will be used. E.g. if there is no
# month, the current month will be used.
# Supported variables:
# - %Y: Year as a 4 digit number.
# - %m: Month as a 2 digit number.
# - %d: Day as a 2 digit number.
# - %H: Hour as a 2 digit number.
# - %M: Minute as a 2 digit number.
# - %S: Second as a 2 digit number.
# - %N: Satellite number, should be 15, 18 or 19.
# - %!: Recording frequency in Hz, also used to determine satellite number
# (noaa-apt knows that e.g. NOAA 19 uses 137.1MHz or close). Should have 9
# consecutive digits, e.g: 137100000.
# - %1, %2, %3, ..., %9: Ignore 1, 2, 3, ... 9 characters. Useful if the
# filename has something not useful that can change, for example pass elevation.
filenames = [
# gqrx_20181222_203941_137100000.wav

# SDRSharp_20200325_204556Z_137102578Hz_AF.wav

# On WXtoIMG go to Option > File Names and Locations...
# Set this template: %Y%m%d-%H%M-%e-%s

# NOAA15-20200325-060601.wav

# N1520200327073417.wav

# 2020-02-09-05-24-16-NOAA_19.wav

# 20200320-213957NOAA19El64.wav

# Timezone offset in hours to assume when reading filenames.
timezone = change_tz # UTC+1


# Default colors as RGBA. Set alpha to 0 to disable
default_countries_color = [255, 255, 0, 255]
default_states_color = [255, 255, 0, 150]
default_lakes_color = [50, 200, 200, 255]


# Values used as thresholds for false color algorithm:
# [water, vegetation, clouds]
# Valid values: 0..255 with water < vegetation < clouds
default_false_color_values = [50, 105, 137]


default_profile = "standard"

# Allowed profiles are "standard", "fast", and "slow". Each one has:

# - work_rate: Sample rate to use when processing in Hz. Choose a multiple of
# 4160 equal or bigger than 12480

# - resample_atten: Attenuation in dB for the resampling filter.

# - resample_delta_freq: Transition band width in Hz for the resampling filter.

# - resample_cutout: Cutout frequency in Hz of the resampling filter. The
# transition band goes from `cutout - delta_freq / 2` to
# `cutout + delta_freq / 2`.

# - demodulation_atten: Attenuation in dB for the demodulation filter.

# - wav_resample_atten: Attenuation in dB, used when resampling a WAV into
# another WAV. Not used when decoding images

# - wav_resample_delta_freq: Transition band width in pi radians per second,
# used when resampling a WAV into another WAV. Not used when decoding images

# Should work perfectly on every image

work_rate = 12480
resample_atten = 30
resample_delta_freq = 1000
resample_cutout = 4800
demodulation_atten = 25
wav_resample_atten = 40
wav_resample_delta_freq = 0.1

# Fast profile, the filters are less strict and noise can be a problem, but
# it should be barely visible

work_rate = 16640
resample_atten = 30
resample_delta_freq = 3000
resample_cutout = 4800
demodulation_atten = 23
wav_resample_atten = 30
wav_resample_delta_freq = 0.2

# Should be used temporarily if there is a problem with the "standard"
# profile in some images. But leave a bug report in that case.

work_rate = 20800
resample_atten = 40
resample_delta_freq = 500
resample_cutout = 4800
demodulation_atten = 25
wav_resample_atten = 50
wav_resample_delta_freq = 0.05
