#!/bin/bash ## import common lib . "$HOME/.noaa.conf" . "$HOME/.tweepy.conf" . "$NOAA_HOME/common.sh" SYSTEM_MEMORY=$(free -m | awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}') if [ "$SYSTEM_MEMORY" -lt 2000 ]; then log "The system doesn't have enough space to store a Meteor pass on RAM" "INFO" RAMFS_AUDIO="${METEOR_OUTPUT}" fi ## pass start timestamp and sun elevation PASS_START=$(expr "$5" + 90) SUN_ELEV=$(python3 "$NOAA_HOME"/sun.py "$PASS_START") if pgrep "rtl_fm" > /dev/null then log "There is an already running rtl_fm instance but I dont care for now, I prefer this pass" "INFO" pkill -9 -f rtl_fm fi # $1 = Satellite Name # $2 = Frequency # $3 = FileName base # $4 = TLE File # $5 = EPOC start time # $6 = Time to capture # $7 = Satellite max elevation log "Starting rtl_fm record" "INFO" timeout "${6}" /usr/local/bin/rtl_fm ${BIAS_TEE} -M raw -f "${2}"M -s 288k -g 48 -p 1 | sox -t raw -r 288k -c 2 -b 16 -e s - -t wav "${RAMFS_AUDIO}/audio/${3}.wav" rate 96k log "Normalization in progress" "INFO" sox "${RAMFS_AUDIO}/audio/${3}.wav" "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.wav" gain -n log "Demodulation in progress (QPSK)" "INFO" meteor_demod -B -o "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.qpsk" "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.wav" if [ "$DELETE_AUDIO" = true ]; then log "Deleting audio files" "INFO" rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/audio/${3}.wav" rm "${RAMFS_AUDIO}/${3}.wav" fi log "Decoding in progress (QPSK to BMP)" "INFO" medet_arm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.qpsk" "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}" -cd rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.qpsk" if [ -f "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.dec" ]; then if [ "${SUN_ELEV}" -lt "${SUN_MIN_ELEV}" ]; then log "I got a successful ${3}.dec file. Decoding APID 68" "INFO" medet_arm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.dec" "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122" -r 68 -g 68 -b 68 -d convert "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122.bmp" -channel RGB -negate "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122.png" else log "I got a successful ${3}.dec file. Creating false color image" "INFO" medet_arm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.dec" "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122" -r 65 -g 65 -b 64 -d convert "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122.bmp" "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122.png" fi log "Rectifying image to adjust aspect ratio" "INFO" python3 "${NOAA_HOME}/rectify.py" "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122.png" convert "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122-rectified.png" -undercolor black -fill yellow -pointsize 18 -annotate +20+20 "${1} ${START_DATE} Elevation: $7°" "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122-rectified-text.png" if [ -n "$CONSUMER_KEY" ]; then log "Posting to Twitter" "INFO" python3 "${NOAA_HOME}/post.py" "$1 EXPERIMENTAL ${START_DATE} Resolución completa: http://weather.reyni.co/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122-rectified.jpg" "$7°" "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122-rectified.png" fi rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.bmp" rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122.bmp" rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122.png" rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}.dec" rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122.png" rm "${METEOR_OUTPUT}/${3}-122-rectified.png" rm "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122.png" rm "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122-rectified.png" #rm "${NOAA_OUTPUT}/image/${FOLDER_DATE}/${3}-122-rectified-text.png" else log "Decoding failed, either a bad pass/low SNR or a software problem" "ERROR" fi