# NOAA Automated capture using Raspberry PI Most of the code and setup stolen from: [Instructables](https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-NOAA-Weather-Satellite-Receiver/) ### New Features! - Nginx webserver to show images. - Timestamp and satellite name over every image. - WXToIMG configured to create several images (HVC,HVCT,MCIR, etc). - Pictures are posted to Twitter. See more at [argentinasat twitter account](https://twitter.com/argentinasat). - [Wiki](https://github.com/reynico/raspberry-noaa/wiki) is updated! ### Manual work - See [Wiki's install and config page](https://github.com/reynico/raspberry-noaa/wiki/Initial-installation-and-configuration) for information ### Important notes - I tried to run this on a Raspberry PI Zero Wifi, no luck. Seems like it's too much load for the CPU. Running on a Raspberry PI 2+ is ok. See [Wiki's hardware notes page](https://github.com/reynico/raspberry-noaa/wiki/Hardware-notes). - Code was a bit updated on how it handles the UTC vs timezone times. ### To do - Calculate sun elevation for each satellite pass to decide image enhancement.