![Raspberry NOAA](header_1600.png) - [Raspberry PI operating system](#raspberry-pi-operating-system) - [Automatic install](#automatic-install) - [Manual install](#manual-install) - [Required packages and software](#required-packages-and-software) - [Install rtl_sdr](#install-rtl_sdr) - [Install WXToIMG](#install-wxtoimg) - [Raspberry-noaa configuration](#raspberry-noaa-configuration) - [Clone this repo](#clone-this-repo) - [Install the default configuration files](#install-the-default-configuration-files) - [Install Meteor software](#install-meteor-software) - [Setup Nginx](#setup-nginx) - [Setup RamFS](#setup-ramfs) - [Cron the scheduling job](#cron-the-scheduling-job) - [Set your Twitter credentials](#set-your-twitter-credentials) # Raspberry PI operating system I'm using [Raspbian](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/) as it have full support for Raspberry PI, simple package manager and it's pretty stable # Automatic install 1. Update repositories and install git ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install git ``` 2. Clone this repository on your home directory ``` cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/reynico/raspberry-noaa.git cd raspberry-noaa ``` 2. Run `./install.sh`. You will be asked for your ground station lat/lon position. 3. If you want automatic Twitter posting, see: [Set your Twitter credentials](#set-your-twitter-credentials) This is pretty much the entire setup. If you are interested about the behind of scenes please check the following section --- # Manual install ## Required packages and software ``` sudo apt update -yq sudo apt install -yq predict \ python-setuptools \ ntp \ cmake \ libusb-1.0 \ sox \ at \ bc \ nginx \ libncurses5-dev \ libncursesw5-dev \ libatlas-base-dev \ python3-pip \ imagemagick \ libxft-dev \ libxft2 ``` ``` sudo pip3 install numpy ephem tweepy Pillow ``` ### Install rtl_sdr ``` sudo cp templates/modprobe.d/rtlsdr.conf /etc/modprobe.d/rtlsdr.conf ``` - clone rlt-sdr git repo and install rtl-sdr: ``` cd /tmp/ git clone https://github.com/osmocom/rtl-sdr.git cd rtl-sdr/ mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON -DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=ON make sudo make install sudo ldconfig cd /tmp/ sudo cp ./rtl-sdr/rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ ``` ### Install WXToIMG There's a deb package for it ``` sudo dpkg -i software/wxtoimg-armhf-2.11.2-beta.deb ``` ## Raspberry-noaa configuration ### Clone this repo ``` cd $HOME git clone https://github.com/reynico/raspberry-noaa.git cd raspberry-noaa ``` ### Install the default configuration files - noaa.conf: paths, satellite elevation and loggin ``` cp "templates/noaa.conf" "$HOME/.noaa.conf" ``` - predict.qth: Predict's ground station settings ``` cp "templates/predict.qth" "$HOME/.predict/predict.qth" ``` - wxtoimgrc: WxToIMG ground station settings and license ``` cp "templates/wxtoimgrc" "$HOME/.wxtoimgrc" ``` Don't forget to adjust your settings in those files ### Install Meteor software - meteor_demod ``` git clone https://github.com/dbdexter-dev/meteor_demod.git cd meteor_demod make sudo make install cd .. ``` - medet_arm ``` sudo cp software/medet_arm /usr/bin/medet_arm sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/medet_arm ``` ### Setup Nginx ``` sudo cp templates/nginx.cfg /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default sudo mkdir -p /var/www/wx sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/wx sudo usermod -a -G www-data pi sudo chmod 775 /var/www/wx sudo cp templates/index.html /var/www/wx/index.html sudo cp templates/logo-small.png /var/www/wx/logo-small.png sudo systemctl restart nginx ``` ### Setup RamFS ``` sudo mkdir -p /var/ramfs cat templates/fstab | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab > /dev/null sudo mount -a sudo chmod 777 /var/ramfs ``` ### Cron the scheduling job ``` cat <(crontab -l) <(echo "1 0 * * * /home/pi/raspberry-noaa/schedule.sh") | crontab - ``` ### Set your Twitter credentials - Go to [Twitter Developer site](http://developer.twitter.com/) and apply for a developer account. ``` cp "templates/tweepy.conf" "$HOME/.tweepy.conf" ``` - Set your credentials on `"$HOME/.tweepy.conf"` ``` export CONSUMER_KEY = '' export CONSUMER_SECRET = '' export ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = '' export ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = '' ```