- #!/usr/bin/python3
- import sys
- import re
- from math import atan,sin,cos,sqrt,tan,acos,ceil
- from PIL import Image
- EARTH_RADIUS = 6371.0
- SAT_HEIGHT = 822.5
- SWATH_KM = 2800.0
- # Note: theta_s is the satellite viewing angle, theta_c is the angle between the projection of the satellite on the
- # Earth's surface and the point the satellite is looking at, measured at the center of the Earth
- # Compute the satellite angle of view given the center angle
- def theta_s(theta_c):
- return atan(EARTH_RADIUS * sin(theta_c)/(SAT_HEIGHT+EARTH_RADIUS*(1-cos(theta_c))))
- # Compute the inverse of the function above
- def theta_c(theta_s):
- delta_sqrt = sqrt(EARTH_RADIUS**2 + tan(theta_s)**2 *
- return acos((tan(theta_s)**2*SAT_ORBIT_RADIUS+delta_sqrt)/(EARTH_RADIUS*(tan(theta_s)**2+1)))
- # The nightmare fuel that is the correction factor function.
- # It is the reciprocal of d/d(theta_c) of theta_s(theta_c) a.k.a.
- # the derivative of the inverse of theta_s(theta_c)
- def correction_factor(theta_c):
- tan_derivative_recip = (
- 1+(EARTH_RADIUS*sin(theta_c)/(SAT_HEIGHT+EARTH_RADIUS*(1-cos(theta_c))))**2)
- arg_derivative_recip = (SAT_HEIGHT+EARTH_RADIUS*(1-cos(theta_c)))**2/(EARTH_RADIUS*cos(
- theta_c)*(SAT_HEIGHT+EARTH_RADIUS*(1-cos(theta_c)))-EARTH_RADIUS**2*sin(theta_c)**2)
- return norm_factor * tan_derivative_recip * arg_derivative_recip
- # Radians position given the absolute x pixel position, assuming that the sensor samples the Earth
- # surface with a constant angular step
- def theta_center(img_size, x):
- ts = theta_s(THETA_C/2.0) * (abs(x-img_size/2.0) / (img_size/2.0))
- return theta_c(ts)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print("Usage: {} <input file>".format(sys.argv[0]))
- sys.exit(1)
- out_fname = re.sub("\..*$", "-rectified", sys.argv[1])
- img = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
- print("Opened {}x{} image".format(img.size[0], img.size[1]))
- # Precompute the correction factors
- corr = []
- for i in range(img.size[0]):
- corr.append(correction_factor(theta_center(img.size[0], i)))
- # Estimate the width of the rectified image
- rectified_width = ceil(sum(corr))
- rectified_img = Image.new(img.mode, (rectified_width, img.size[1]))
- # Get the pixel 2d arrays from both the source image and the target image
- orig_pixels = img.load()
- rectified_pixels = rectified_img.load()
- for row in range(img.size[1]):
- if row % 20 == 0:
- print("Row {}".format(row))
- # First pass: stretch from the center towards the right side of the image
- start_px = orig_pixels[img.size[0]/2, row]
- cur_col = int(rectified_width/2)
- target_col = cur_col
- for col in range(int(img.size[0]/2), img.size[0]):
- target_col += corr[col]
- end_px = orig_pixels[col, row]
- delta = int(target_col) - cur_col
- # Linearly interpolate
- for i in range(delta):
- interp_r = int((start_px[0]*(delta-i) + end_px[0]*i) / delta)
- interp_g = int((start_px[1]*(delta-i) + end_px[1]*i) / delta)
- interp_b = int((start_px[2]*(delta-i) + end_px[2]*i) / delta)
- rectified_pixels[cur_col, row] = (interp_r, interp_g, interp_b)
- cur_col += 1
- start_px = end_px
- # First pass: stretch from the center towards the left side of the image
- start_px = orig_pixels[img.size[0]/2, row]
- cur_col = int(rectified_width/2)
- target_col = cur_col
- for col in range(int(img.size[0]/2)-1, -1, -1):
- target_col -= corr[col]
- end_px = orig_pixels[col, row]
- delta = cur_col - int(target_col)
- # Linearly interpolate
- for i in range(delta):
- interp_r = int((start_px[0]*(delta-i) + end_px[0]*i) / delta)
- interp_g = int((start_px[1]*(delta-i) + end_px[1]*i) / delta)
- interp_b = int((start_px[2]*(delta-i) + end_px[2]*i) / delta)
- rectified_pixels[cur_col, row] = (interp_r, interp_g, interp_b)
- cur_col -= 1
- start_px = end_px
- print("Writing rectified image to {}".format(out_fname + ".jpg"))
- rectified_img.save(out_fname + ".jpg", "JPEG", quality=90)