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Raspberry PI operating system

I’m using Raspbian as it have full support for Raspberry PI, simple package manager and it’s pretty stable

Automatic install

  1. Clone this repository on your home directory
  2. Run ./ You will be asked for your ground station lat/lon position.

The install setup is described down here:

Manual install

Required packages and software

sudo apt update -yq
sudo apt install -yq predict \
                     python-setuptools \
                     ntp \
                     cmake \
                     libusb-1.0 \
                     sox \
                     at \
                     bc \
                     nginx \
                     libncurses5-dev \
                     libncursesw5-dev \
                     libatlas-base-dev \
                     python3-pip \
                     imagemagick \
                     libxft-dev \
sudo pip3 install numpy ephem tweepy Pillow

Install rtl_sdr

sudo cp modprobe.d/rtlsdr.conf /etc/modprobe.d/rtlsdr.conf
  • clone rlt-sdr git repo and install rtl-sdr:
cd /tmp/
git clone
cd rtl-sdr/
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /tmp/
sudo cp ./rtl-sdr/rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

Install WXToIMG

There’s a deb package for it

sudo dpkg -i wxtoimg-armhf-2.11.2-beta.deb

Raspberry-noaa configuration

Clone this repo

cd $HOME
git clone
cd raspberry-noaa

Install the default configuration files

  • noaa.conf: paths, satellite elevation and loggin
cp "noaa.conf" "$HOME/.noaa.conf"
  • predict.qth: Predict’s ground station settings
cp "predict.qth" "$HOME/.predict/predict.qth"
  • wxtoimgrc: WxToIMG ground station settings and license
cp "wxtoimgrc" "$HOME/.wxtoimgrc"

Don’t forget to adjust your settings in those files

Install Meteor software

  • meteor_demod
git clone
cd meteor_demod
sudo make install
cd ..
  • medet_arm
sudo cp medet_arm /usr/bin/medet_arm
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/medet_arm

Setup Nginx

sudo cp nginx.cfg /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/wx
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/wx
sudo usermod -a -G www-data pi
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/wx
cp index.html /var/www/wx/index.html
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Setup RamFS

sudo mkdir -p /var/ramfs
cat fstab | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab > /dev/null
sudo mount -a
sudo chmod 777 /var/ramfs

Cron the scheduling job

cat <(crontab -l) <(echo "1 0 * * * /home/pi/raspberry-noaa/") | crontab -

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