- #!/bin/bash
- set -e
- ### Run as a normal user
- if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "This script shouldn't be run as root."
- exit 1
- fi
- ## import common lib
- . "$HOME/.noaa.conf"
- . "$NOAA_HOME/common.sh"
- WEB_DIR=/var/www/wx
- echo "
- This script is used to sync webpanel updates and provide an easy
- way for users to keep their webpanel up to date with new features
- that are released - note that the first time you use this to migrate
- to the new webpanel contents, your Config.php file (containing locale
- settings) will be backed up to the $NOAA_HOME/bak/ directory and a
- replacement config.php put in its place. You can reference values you
- might have configured in the backup file to update $WEB_DIR/config.php
- to your liking.
- If you have made significant changes to any of the contents in the webpanel
- deployment, they likely WILL be destroyed by running this script as all
- files in $WEB_DIR are replaced with the exception of the following, which are
- left alone to preserve the captures:
- * audio/
- * images/
- * meteor/
- "
- read -rp "Are you sure you wish to proceed? (y/N) "
- if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then
- log "Aborting webpanel sync" "ERROR"
- exit 0
- elif [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
- log "Webpanel sync proceeding!" "INFO"
- else
- log "Aborting webpanel sync - unknown option '$REPLY'" "ERROR"
- exit 1
- fi
- log "1/$STEPS: Backing up PHP config file..." "INFO"
- if [ -f "$WEB_DIR/config.php" ]; then
- log " Found newer-style config file - backing up." "INFO"
- cp $WEB_DIR/config.php $NOAA_HOME/bak/config.php.backup
- elif [ -f "$WEB_DIR/Config.php" ]; then
- log " Found older-style config file - backing up." "INFO"
- cp $WEB_DIR/Config.php $NOAA_HOME/bak/Config.php.backup
- else
- log " Did not find any existing config file - proceeding." "INFO"
- fi
- log "1/$STEPS: Done backing up PHP config file" "INFO"
- log "2/$STEPS: Removing old PHP files (excluding images/audio)..." "INFO"
- find $WEB_DIR/ -mindepth 1 -type d -name "images" -prune -o -type d -name "audio" -prune -o -type d -name "meteor" -prune -o -print | xargs rm -rf
- log "2/$STEPS: Old PHP files removed" "INFO"
- log "3/$STEPS: Copying new PHP files..." "INFO"
- sudo cp -rp $NOAA_HOME/templates/webpanel/* $WEB_DIR/
- log "3/$STEPS: Done copying new PHP files" "INFO"
- log "Your old PHP config file has been copied to the bak/ directory" "INFO"
- log "Please update any settings you wish to preserve in $WEB_DIR/config.php" "INFO"
- log " including 'lang' and 'timezone' settings for display" "INFO"