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NOAA Automated capture using Raspberry PI

Most of the code and setup stolen from: Instructables

New Features!

  • Meteor M2 full decoding!
  • Nginx webserver to show images.
  • Timestamp and satellite name over every image.
  • WXToIMG configured to create several images (HVC,HVCT,MCIR, etc).
  • Pictures are posted to Twitter. See more at argentinasat twitter account.
  • Wiki is updated!
  • Audio files are stored on a RAMFS partition. Happen to had some glitches on image reception


There’s an script that does everything at once. If in doubt, see the Wiki’s install and config page.

Important notes

  • I tried to run this on a Raspberry PI Zero Wifi, no luck. Seems like it’s too much load for the CPU. Running on a Raspberry PI 2+ is ok. See Wiki’s hardware notes page.
  • Code was a bit updated on how it handles the UTC vs timezone times.

To do